
joined 2 months ago
[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I mean yes, they kind of are? Building codes vary widely from state to state and while some newly constructed homes in the US do feature more insulation than older buildings, there's still room for improvement. Coming from Europe, most US homes would not be considered insulated.

See this article from German engineering magazine www.ingenieur.de (Google translated):

"Core insulation is possible in both new and existing buildings, provided that the outer wall is or was constructed from two shells. In a new building, two shells means that there is a stronger load-bearing wall that also functions as a heat store. It is 18 to 25 centimeters thick. The second shell provides weather protection, is eight to twelve centimeters thick and is anchored to the inner wall. In between is the insulation layer, which is ideally 15 to 25 centimeters thick."

And that's without outside/inside plastering / paneling. So insulation plus outer walls is typically 50cm+. Here in Germany nowadays it tends to be even more than that because a) we still don't believe in AC for whatever reason and so thick walls = at least some heat protection and b) home construction subsidies are usually tied to more demanding standards than the legal baseline.

So TLDR: yes, US homes do have some insulation wedged between its timber frames, but elsewhere building codes are much stricter

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 1 points 1 month ago

yeah, if it's something that other people can actually profit from I usually post it anyway, but most of the time it's "oh goddamn, there's two commas in line 72 where there should only be one" kinda stuff

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 53 points 1 month ago (15 children)

To be fair, I've written countless stack overflow posts detailing my problems in hope someone would be able to spot the mistake or error only for me to realize what it was along the way and never even submitting it.

And I didn't even need a 🦆 for it

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org -1 points 1 month ago

wat labersch du?

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

maybe, but the article really doesn't justify the headline imo. The article reads more like her statements are coming from a "this worked for me, so try my way if you're struggling" place rather than a "work for me for free, bitches" place.

not saying that in itself is good, but, you know, also way less infuriating than condemning those entitled youngsters

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 1 points 2 months ago

or maybe they just forgot to type out "achieve"

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 13 points 2 months ago (1 children)

it actually is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neonaticide?wprov=sfla1 has a bit to say on it, but doesn't go too much into the root causes. The majority of cases as far as I understand it stem from the mother not wanting to accept that she is pregnant. This is a delusion, mind you, and if untreated, can have dire consequences as shown here. To mothers who are not adequately prepared for birth (because they, for whatever reason, have repressed their pregnancy), giving birth must be about as traumatizing as if I were to wake up tomorrow with a third leg (that wants to be fed).

The German-language coverage of this is also very hit and miss. most outlets, like here, put an emphasis on here being a Porsche lawyer, which is a) bending the truth somewhat for shock value (she's a contract counsel for their financing subsidiary iirc) and b) completely irrelevant, as other outlets point out that this pathological behavior does not know class boundaries.

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 4 points 2 months ago

oh wow. Danke, hatte Sonnentor genau deswegen auf meiner Shitlist.

[–] DrFuggles@feddit.org 4 points 2 months ago

the last time I looked into this I ran into the problem that most of the publicly traded heat pump manufacturers are huge conglomerates that produce just about every appliance under the sun. I don't want to invest in that. do you have any recommendations?

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