[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 2 points 22 hours ago

There is no FBC

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 2 points 23 hours ago

Endeavour also gives DE options during installation.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 day ago

Krita has plugins for this kind of thing? I haven't looked into customizing it at all after I switched to it from paint dot net.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 26 points 1 day ago

Steam does have a monopoly though. They don't do anything anti-competitive with it, so there is not much Epic can do about it (other than make their platform better for the people using it).

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 17 points 1 month ago

Google decided that the entirety of reddit is perfect for training data in their AI LLM. People's shitposts from 10 years ago have now been given the spotlight at the top of google searches.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 57 points 1 month ago

I wonder if they would still hold that opinion if they were locked out of a game they paid $70 for, while the ones that got it for "free" can play it without any restrictions. Piracy is just as much a service issue as it is a money issue.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 16 points 3 months ago

No, it would be the opposite of the top filter. Controversial is posts that have a similar amount of downvotes to upvotes.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 18 points 5 months ago

And Terraria's upcoming 1.4.5 will be the last definitive final update this time. Until they announce 1.5.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 16 points 6 months ago

There are examples of subtle difficulty shifts too, such as RE4. The game will spawn more/less enemies and change drop rates based on player performance.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 45 points 6 months ago

Yes and no. It's your teammates that report you for playing "off-meta" stuff, and enough reports can possibly trigger the auto-mod system to temp ban you.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 19 points 7 months ago

You've been in a coma for almost 20 years because of a car accident. We're trying a new technique. We don't know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope we're getting through. Please wake up.

[-] DragonOracleIX@lemmy.ml 15 points 9 months ago

It took me too long to see the dinosaur heads

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