Vote anyways

It would literally take a revolution.

They did, in 2016, and he lost because America is too far gone and doesn't have time to recover before we burn the world.

You're just intermittent fasting

[-] DragonTypeWyvern@midwest.social 2 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

People didn't forget. They never cared. Biden didn't win by 5 million votes (and that's not actually a significant percentage), he won by 50k votes in a few counties that flipped their states.

What if that was the max?

Look at this guy, trying to trick us into doing math!

It won't work because our school system is in shambles!

Who's the smart guy now!!??

You're right, we won't KNOW, it might be the single exception from the past two hundred years.

Shockingly accurate


One of my conservations in a game store was with an Asian dude who was very insistent that the real life Crusades were defensive wars.

Why is that even your damage, dude, it wasn't your ancestors that did it...

hides his CK3 dynasty of genius albino giants

Haha, yes. Just as a treat!

Biden is simply too old to respond properly to a firehose of lies. That doesn't make him senile, but it does mean they SHOULD have given him a shitload of Adderall.

Oh, wait, he can't have Adderall. It's literally too dangerous to give to people past retirement age!

You are literally who internet piracy is for my friend

Go duplicate some digits

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