Searching for characters (discuss.tchncs.de)

This feature might be underrated by some but is amazing how I can search "Beta" and boom I have "β" on my clipboard. It is very helpful in medicine. I just wanted to give it a shout out.

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 124 points 2 months ago

That and brown people don't count as people.

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 155 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The delay in reporting makes the information somewhat useless. Here is Gerry Connolly's (D, House, Va) recent transaction of Dominion Energy for example. He sold and by the time it is reported the stock already crashed.

Nancy Pelosi's trade of Forge Investments. Notice that by the time it is published it had already started going down.

I did not cherry pick these by any means. I just picked the first sell and buy on the list.

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 225 points 3 months ago

My wife and I went all out for our first born and as a baby monitor we got a MIKU. It is able to track the baby's breathing without any accessories and one of the key reasons I chose MIKU was that even though it was expensive it did not have a subscription model. BECAUSE I FUCKING HATE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Fast forward to Summer of 2023 and MIKU went bankrupt. The company that bought them tried to salvage it by including a $10/month subscription for everything except for the main camera function (which they cannot legally remove). And the way they tried to enforce it is by pushing an app update that blocks said features. I just went on APK Mirror and downloaded the previous version and turned off auto updates. And everything works perfectly. Thank you android and thank you APK Mirror.

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 223 points 4 months ago

And then Israel will bomb Gazans as they're rushing to get some food

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 136 points 4 months ago

It's funny how this isn't even a joke

Whatsapp needs a makeover (discuss.tchncs.de)

Whatsapp's UI is so outdated. There are mods out there that look 100 times better. Android users are basically carrying Whatsapp. They really should look into improving the experience on Android. I would love to see them implement Material You.


I totally agree with him. This will bring more people to the fediverse once they realize they can interact with their friends on Threads

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 146 points 7 months ago

This man could have been the president

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 210 points 8 months ago

"Any American Jew attending this rally is not a Jew"

The fucking audacity of these right wing jews

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 180 points 8 months ago

I will post Fuck Ajit Pai every time I see news about net neutrality until it's fucking back.




[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 140 points 8 months ago

I absolutely hated the latest Halloween movie because of that. Oh a rural American town has a serial killer problem? Let's go out with baseball bats and hockey sticks. Motherfucker people go out with automatic rifles when an unknown car does a U turn using their driveway.

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 217 points 9 months ago

Fuck that sell-out Ajit Pai.

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 109 points 9 months ago

Sitting is 10 times better. Easier to pee, no need to aim, no splash so you don't fuck up the bathroom. But I'd use a urinal over any toilet when I'm outside because 1) it's faster 2) I don't want to sit down on a common toilet).

[-] Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de 145 points 10 months ago

Here is a Google image of Dodge ram 3500. EVEN IF YOU NEED A CAR, NO ONE NEEDS A VEHICLE THIS BIG.

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