[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 79 points 10 months ago

Love watching these spineless worms try and wiggle their way out of liability.

It won't work, fuck around and find out. Hopefully they pay similarly to Fox News.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 44 points 10 months ago

I wonder if a government can actually do better at security. Not that corporations are amazing and infallible, but it isn't like governments are known for creating the best software systems either.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 40 points 10 months ago

Fuck Gym Jordan. These people make it so embarrassing to be American.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 39 points 10 months ago

I think it's inevitable that she will be stripped off this case, but I don't know shit.

Her incompetence, purposeful or not, is staggering.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 86 points 11 months ago

This will make the 3 people who actually used Cortana mildly disgruntled.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 39 points 11 months ago

Actually I live in NYC and often public transportation, especially bikes, are faster to get around Manhattan than car services. Outer boroughs need more infrastructure though. Places like Queens and Brooklyn as you get away from the city become harder to navigate without a car or car service and taxis can be rarer

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 35 points 11 months ago

I love Donald Glover but still hoping it is more like Andor than Boba Fett in terms of quality.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 52 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I for one hope he is healthy enough to live the rest of his life in pain over years, and forced to step down and lose his power. This man has inflicted terrible damage to this country and its citizens. This is a man who put corporations and profit over anything and has sold our democracy to the highest bidder while empowering radical religious fanatics and fascists.

He's partly responsible for so much pain, suffering, and excess deaths in this nation via his support for gun lobbies and removing healthcare rights of Americans, for his support of Trump, and the excess deaths resulting from his administration.

I hope he gets exactly what he deserves.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 46 points 11 months ago

Even with all that disabled there are still ghost profiles of you built. If you shop online at all you are building a fingerprint without the need of trackers.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 41 points 11 months ago

Used to work with a guy who would put 3 second sleeps after every line in our Jenkins file. He would then say how he's so busy because he has no time when he's always waiting for builds to run.

Chris, everyone knows what you were doing.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 62 points 11 months ago

The logic is the same as Twitter, Spez said so: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-blackout-protest-private-ceo-elon-musk-huffman-rcna89700

Huffman said he saw Musk’s handling of Twitter, which he purchased last year, as an example for Reddit to follow.

[-] Ducks@ducks.dev 73 points 11 months ago

The worst thing about it is that they could have accomplished all their goals if they didn't shove it on people with a months notice and then Spaz going on a media tour shitting on mods and users

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Ducks@ducks.dev to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

I have some communities on my small instance that I will never browse, I want to remove them to free up space and not pull useless data (to my one other user and I). I click "Remove" on the community and then I click "Purge" and the community is removed and purged, but a few seconds later the community is back with different content.

I know I can block the communities to stop them from showing up on my "All" feed, but I have a small instance and don't want that data sitting around if nobody will ever look at it, as well as limit the small amount of unnecessary additional strain it may put on other instances. What am I doing wrong?

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