[-] Dum@reddthat.com 26 points 9 months ago

This law is more than a decade in the making, the only reason it was on Apples roadmap is because of this law.

The EU doesn't have to mandate a new connector when something new comes up, it just has to be an open standard, ANY open standard. This is miles better for everyone. And the EU doesn't force the whole world to adapt their standard, it's just not economical to produce different versions for different markets, but they are very much allowed to sell whatever to their non EU customers.

If you really want the lightning adapter back, you can ask one of the many people who soldered a usb-c connector in an iphone 12/13/14. If one person can do it, I'm pretty sure Apple can, too.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 12 points 10 months ago

Usually these are empty when rolling into battle, they are used to get there in the first place. Tanks aren't known for great fuel economy and the inside is already cramped, so for cross country travel it's practical.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 6 points 10 months ago

Sehr schmaler Grat, vor allem wenn du schon von vornherein davon ausgehst dass da potentiell volksverhetzendes pfostiert wird. r/The_Donald war auch ein Satire subreddit, bis er von echten Fans von Donald Drumpf übernommen wurde. Ich halte es lieber so: Kein cm öffentlicher Raum für rechten Dreck.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 9 points 10 months ago

Falscher Bart

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 35 points 10 months ago

Für solche Qualitätsscheißepfosten bin ich hier

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 26 points 10 months ago

This is clearly a case of "just because we can doesn't mean we should". Sounds like a really bad idea to create life from sperm that doesn't even move. Some people are just not meant to have kids and should come to terms with it instead of passing their own problems on to the next generation. I think it's selfish. Also it's not like there aren't enough people already, adopt and give a good life to a healthy child that otherwise wouldn't have a future.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 5 points 11 months ago

Ok this is off topic but... What are y'all printing so much? I print a form once or twice a year and just print at the store across the road or the library for 10ct a page. The printer I had probably cost me 3$ a page because I used it so rarely.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Wow that's an enormous payload, is that an rpg warhead? Is the plastic wrapped block on top extra battery? How big is the carrying capacity of these drones?

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 9 points 11 months ago

I can't get over how hard the author deep throats Tim Apple. When reading I stopped to check if it was marked as advertisement. This is 100% pure advertisement, not journalism. If you like apple maps, fine, this article just feels way overboard.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Now I like dead vatniks in Ukraine just like the next guy, and I'm not sure this qualifies me to be the party pooper but the quirky tone when recounting war crimes does not sit well with me. Like when bush Jr misspoke and said "Iraq" instead of "Ukraine" and everyone laughed. Tens of thousands iraqis were killed on your orders (on false pretenses if that somehow makes it worse), yes you should be in prison, and no, you giving candy to Michelle Obama doesn't kinda even it out.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 8 points 11 months ago

It may be due to Microsoft demanding certain minimum configurations: at the very least minimum resolution and minimum frame rate. On PC you can always go down to 240p and/or live with 10fps in very high density scenes. Microsoft can (and will) just say "no" if they try that on the Xbox S

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 17 points 1 year ago

"Never hesitate to state the obvious", for socially awkward teenager-me this was a game changer how to participate in conversation. I still live by it and it's really useful in meetings, as it also brings real value to the conversation, as whatever is obvious to you isn't necessarily obvious to others. And even if everyone knew, it may still spark a discussion.

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