But but... the new era of "innovation"... by bringing back watered down versions of old stuff... including loot boxes, which ostensibly was half the reason for the Overwatch Too release. We'll be lucky if they don't find some way to add AI dlc or something at this point.
GIMP v 2.10.9999999999999-v.11 release notes circa 2073... "GIMP 3 coming soon!"
The production quality on it is top tier. It's the one that got kickstarter backed including the late Grant Imahara as sulu and Chris Doohan reprising his fathers role as Scotty. The stories are basically a bridge (heh) between of the time between the end of TOS and the TOS movies. The set design, costuming, etc. is spot on to the point where you could mistake it for the original show. There are some guest appearances from some actors that have appeared in other trek shows... heck.. just look at that first episode... that is the original actor. The voice of the ship computer is another small treat.
I've kind of avoided a lot of the fan fic sorta shows because they can be so hit or miss.... but this one is canon as far as I'm concerned.
Just rewatched all of Star Trek Continues.
Ah I gotcha. Then more likely it’s something focus breathing.
Essentially it’s a small to moderate shift in amount of zoom because of the movement of the internal elements during focusing. I would just look up focus breathing on YouTube and see some examples and if it matches what you noticed.
Well the issue can be when it’s tilted up that if you let go of the zoom ring it’s heavy and might slide back from gravity. Laying flat it isn’t fighting gravity heh
Yup. Either this or didn’t notice that the lens zoom had loosened due to age and wear and it was slipping because it was being pointed up. Focus breathing would be a first guess though.
Firefox 134.0 changelog url released. No update or notes yet. This is like the E3 of firefox updates.
Tried a bunch of the ios apps and settled into Voyager. Good UI / UX and functionality, active developer, and open source. No real complaints so far.
Something else to look into is that macbooks sometimes just hate having things plugged into USB when they're sleeping. If you're leaving anything plugged into the ports while it's sleeping, try not doing that and see if it helps.
Kids these days were never likely to be eaten by a grue... and it shows. ;)