[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 24 points 1 year ago

This is nothing more than an opinion piece with bad takes.

What a bullshit article.

That's 99% of what gets posted to medium.com

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 24 points 1 year ago

My personal subs that have been private for ages recieved messages saying they will inform me of "further steps" if I refuse to open them up.

One of them is /r/[myRedditUsername] that I use as a kind of scratch pad that I can access anywhere (I've since self hosted a wiki) that they are demanding I open up. Like seriously, no one would ever be interested in whatever is there.

They can get fucked. I deleted all of the posts and comments on all of my accounts and requested GDPR requests on all of them. reddit can get fucked.


I have searched and not come up with the solution, I apologize if it's obvious and I have somehow missed it.

I would like to disable uploading images on my instance, and more importantly, disable the caching of images from other instances onto my server.

It's run on a tiny server, and I simply cannot afford a larger server to deal people uploading large images on instances I'm federated to being cached onto my server.

For an example, this post https://lemmy.ml/post/1450558 was federated to my server and the image was cached on my server automatically (https://lemmy.dustybeer.com/pictrs/image/19336064-e45f-4abf-b5c2-0ce7b69a1b7c.jpeg?format=webp)

It's not a big deal for a couple of images, but I can very quickly see this exploding and using up all of my (relatively tiny) disk space.

It also seems like a great vector for a malicious party to bring down an instance they don't like if they know it's caching images.

Again I apologize if I've just missed this in the docs and my searching, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 34 points 1 year ago

Why is this posted to Technology? This has nothing to do with Technology, and belongs in one of the many reddit threads or communities that already exist.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 29 points 1 year ago

I've looked at peertube a few times, and everytime I do, it seems to be filled with nothing but videos about the latest cryptoscamcoin. I have zero interest in that at all. Until they get content worth watching, it's not going to happen.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 20 points 1 year ago

I find myself really ticked off at other Admin’s abdication of duty when it comes to engaging with the developers.

Abdication of duty? Seriously? Do you think this is a job for people? Or that people that want a privacy related instance are "abdicating their duty" by not using captcha? Talk about hyperbole.

Run your instance how you want. Raise an issue with the devs if you want. Throw a fit if you want. But do not attempt to tell others how to run their instances or talk for other people and their "duties" when it comes to their own servers.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 19 points 1 year ago

Zuckerberg’s company is already courting celebrities and influencers to test the app.

Even if it was someone other than Zuckerberg doing this, reading this bit would immediately turn me off to the platform.

I guess I'm old enough to have gone through they heyday of the internet at an impressionable time in my life, but I have zero time for influencers or opinions by celebrities on literally anything.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Holy crap, this man does not have an original thought in his head does he?

He thinks he'll become the next Musk by emulating the next Musk. Only problem is, he skipped steps 1-10 which involve owning a company (X.com) that another merges with (Confinity) which becomes a huge company (Paypal) that gets bought out by a massive company (Ebay).

Then you can start acting like a massive asshole while throwing money at everything.

Unfortunately, Spez doesn't realize steps 1-10 exist, and thinks he can just treat everyone like shit and have people think (at least for a while) that he's a genius. Also forgets about steps 11-200 which is to surround yourself with brilliant people that can build your shit so you become more rich. Then you can become the asshole everyone hates.

Sadly Spez is on step 200+ without the cash from steps 1-199 and has surrounded himself by "yes men" instead of brilliant people that know what the fuck they are doing, which leads him to build whatever next big think like Twitter was will be.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 40 points 1 year ago

r/Wellthatsucks is now a subreddit about vacuum cleaners.

I love it

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 55 points 1 year ago

This is great, I'm honestly glad they have their own forum on their own page as opposed to something like Discord.

I know people will be disappointed it's not on lemmy or similar, but it's for the best to be honest. Since it's a product, it's much easier to have something they fully control and can have ownership over (including who and what can be posted there). It's a great decision by them.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 17 points 1 year ago

Just remember, the S in IOT stands for security.

I do have some IOT devices on my network, however they are kept off the internet and on their own vlan. No phoning home (or anywhere else) for these devices.

They can be great if they are set up properly, but too many people just take them out of the box, toss them on their network and think they are just fine.

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 21 points 1 year ago

And headphone jacks

[-] Dusty@lemmy.dustybeer.com 22 points 1 year ago

I doubt anyone is actually surprised by this. reddit owns the site, and (according to their TOS) they have rights to everything posted on their site (while they at the same time take zero responsibility for anything posted). I'm only surprised it's not happened sooner.

I'm also not surprised that this came about from someone that wants to take over one of the privated subs. Most likely to stroke their own egos.

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