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[–] 3 points 2 months ago

That goes against his long and storied history of being in the tank for the Republican party. He convinced Bush Sr to pardon the few people who were convicted in the Iran-Contra scandal to execute a cover-up, he slow-walked and misrepresented the findings of Mueller's report on Russian interference, and he's always ascribed to the unitary executive theory. If his history and career is any indication, I suspect he talked about it because he legitimately thinks the president should be able to execute his political rivals (as long as they have an elephant pin on their lapel, naturally).

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

This is why I open the restroom door at work by nudging the wheelchair accessible door button with my side.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Funny, I tweaked my Linux PC at work to look like Windows XP. It's so cursed, I love it.

[–] 17 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

my company announced today that they were going to start a phased rollout where AI would provide first responses to tickets, with it initially being "reviewed" by humans with the eventual goal being it just sending responses unsupervised. The strength of my "OH HELL NO" derailed the entire meeting for a solid 15 minutes lmao

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

And this is why any pro-forced birther who says it should be "left up to the states" should be treated as if they're lying. If they truly believe it's murder, then there's no world in which they would tolerate a state choosing to keep abortion legal, and if given half a chance they would immediately ban it everywhere.

"It should be left to the states" is code for "I would happily sign a national ban but I won't say it because I know it's political suicide."

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Funny, I thought of mentioning Crash Bandicoot, but when I put myself into the shoes of 12-year-old me, the single game that came to mind when I thought PlayStation was Final Fantasy 7 more than anything else.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

I'm no game designer or coder so I'm just going off what I read on Wikipedia, but... Apparently the Saturn was a mostly 2D focused system, so it had a processor that could do warping and manipulation of sprites. So when it drew a "polygon" it was really drawing together a bunch of sprites and manipulating them.


[–] 8 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Nobody wanted to develop for it because it had an insanely complex architecture (3x 32-bit processors and dual CPUs that shared a bus and couldn't access RAM at the same time), and developers in the 90s were unaccustomed to multi-core programming. It also used quadrilaterals for the baseline polygon instead of triangles. All this was made worse by poor development tools around launch, leaving most coders stuck using raw assembly language until Sega wrote custom libraries.

Sega also never really had a killer app for it like Mario 64 was for the N64, or FF7 was for the PlayStation. They were developing a game called Sonic XTreme, but it wound up getting canceled.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago

Did he really accomplish much, though? The only thing he did with his trifecta was passing Yet Another Tax Cut, with everything else either filibustered or voted down (ty Mr McCain). After 2018, his legislative agenda was DOA. He forced a shutdown over border wall spending, which failed. I can't think of anything else notable legislatively.

On the executive side, he managed to unwind some regulations (that were reinstated after Biden came in) and his FCC pick repealed net neutrality, but all of the super radical stuff he tried to do got tied up in the courts for most of his term and either struck down, reduced drastically in scope, or only took effect for a short while before he left office.

The biggest thing he did was packing the supreme court, but I would argue that's just as much due to McConnell, and any Republican president would have given us the same extremist court. All the stuff that's uniquely Trump, like the border wall or the Muslim ban, failed miserably.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Looks like it was mostly unrelated to Trump, he likely chose to do it outside the courthouse because there were more people and news cameras paying attention there.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

~~Oh, okay, he's a garden variety nutjob who went off his meds for too long. Glad it could be cleared up.~~

EDIT: I realized this was a bit flippant after thinking back on it. It's obviously tragic that this guy wasn't able to get the help he obviously needed before it was too late. I'm relieved it wasn't because of obvious partisan leanings (i.e. he was protesting the trial in one way or the other) and that it appears his decision to set fire there appears to have been more to draw attention to his message. I won't even say that his ideas are entirely wrong--it wouldn't surprise me in the least if billionaires were pumping crypto as a rugpull, but there's a lot of obvious delusions (like claiming that the Simpsons, the Beatles, George Orwell, and various pop icons were part of a conspiracy to normalize doom-and-gloom sentiment). I just hope this doesn't delay the trial too much, and I hope it's not a sign of things to come.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

It's a video of salesmen making fun of incomprehensible jargon by giving a fake presentation filled with nothing but incomprehensible jargon

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