
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

For what it's worth, this was largely my own opinion, and on a personal level, I found 4 to be enjoyable, if vaguely bland, while Apocalypse was the first mainline SMT game whose story and characters I legitimately enjoyed and found engaging, even while I was insulting Asahi every time she opened her goddamn mouth. Yeah, the game falls victim to the whole "this entire mess would have never happened if the main characters weren't fucking idiots" syndrome, but at least I felt something while the plot was happening, which is more than I could say about SMT 1, 2, & 4 and their cardboard cutout characters with the depth of a sheet of paper. (Not to say that I didn't enjoy SMT 4's story at all, I found the world and overall plot engaging. But the character writing and dialogue is some of the weakest I've ever seen, and I've read bad fanfiction. I've written bad fanfiction.)

[–] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

OK, so I actually know a fair bit about this series since I went through (a good chunk of) it semi-recently myself!

The mainline SMT games all take place in post-apocalyptic Japan, where your party is yourself, maybe a few other humans, and most importantly, demons that you recruit, level up, and combine together to make new, more powerful ones. Like someone else said, SMT is sort of like Pokemon, but instead of fighting with cute electric rats and furry bait, you fight alongside various mythological figures (...and furry bait). The SNES games are first-person, grid-based dungeon crawlers, but later games largely drop the grid-based aspect.

Anyway, I started out with Shin Megami Tensei 1 on the SNES. It was pretty darn enjoyable, though I used a walkthrough--if you play the SNES games, I strongly recommend doing this, because both games are basically one giant labyrinth with an overworld. A walkthrough is pretty much mandatory to navigate which demons are worth recruiting and merging together, and to find the various secrets and treasures scattered throughout the world. A nice thing about the first game is that the level scaling is well-paced; as long as you don't run away from battles and are smart about your recruitment and demon fusions, you should generally be able to keep up with the power level of your enemies.

As for SMT 2... well, it spikes the difficulty up much higher than the first game. to the point where I actually wound up giving up about 10-15 hours in, even with a walkthrough and using save states. I had reached a point where the enemies were outleveling my demons and killing them over and over, I couldn't easily afford to revive them, and I was having trouble recruiting new demons to merge with my existing party into more powerful ones--there were multiple instances where even when I used save states to explore the demon's entire recruitment dialogue tree, it either took my valuable items/money and ran away, or attacked me. Forced to choose between sitting and grinding for at least 5-10 hours, or moving on, I moved on.

SMT 3 on the PS2 is the first real "modern" shin megami tensei game, and it introduces the press turn mechanic that forms the core of the mainline SMT series from that point on. Press turns work by giving each side a number of actions they can take based on how many members are in the party--in other words, if you have 4 members active in the party, you have 4 actions. If you hit an enemy's elemental weakness, you're given bonus actions you can take (up to a max of 2x your base actions), and if you miss an enemy, or attack them with an element they nullify, reflect, or absorb, you lose turns. Crucially, this also applies to your opponents as well, making combat tense, tactical, and deep: your demon is the only one that uses ice magic, which the enemy is weak to, but your demon is weak to lightning and the enemy can use that element. Do you switch out this demon to cover your own weakness, or keep it in to better exploit the enemy's weakness? Remember, if the demon dies, you not only have to spend a turn summoning a replacement, but your baseline actions go from 4 to 3, so you're penalized twice.

Admittedly, I didn't play SMT 3 myself, because it has That One Fucking Spell called Beast Eye, which is something only opposing demons can use, and spends a single action to grant the AI two turns (or Dragon Eye, which grants four turns). This gives SMT 3 a reputation for being incredibly difficult, even by the standards of SMT, and frankly I had no appetite for that after having just given up on SMT 2 over difficulty. That said, everybody I speak to who has played SMT 3 says that it's one of the best RPGs on the PS2, however, so it's still highly recommended, and later games mercifully got rid of Beast/Dragon Eye.

SMT 4 is... odd. It starts out looking like a much more generic fantasy setting, but it most assuredly is not. It's good, but it also very clearly is straining against the limits of the system it's on. SMT 4 Apocalypse is also extremely good, and I would suggest playing SMT 4 just to play SMT 4 Apocalypse. I won't say too much about SMT 5 except to note that it's also good and I recommend it strongly.

There's also Persona. Where SMT is a post-apocalyptic dungeon crawler, Persona (at least from 3 onwards) focuses much more heavily on time management. You play as a Japanese high school student in Persona, so a lot of your activities are based around juggling a schedule: attending classes, going to after-school activities, working part-time jobs, spending time with your various party members to build relationships, and saving the world in between. Persona is also different in that instead of having mythological figures fight alongside you as distinct party members, they're instead Personas that act more like Stands from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure--they just give humans the ability to cast magic. Notably, the main character is typically the only one who can change their persona-- your companions all have their own persona, but they're stuck with the one they have, which conveniently gives them their own static elemental strengths/weaknesses and roles. The other big difference is that (up until Persona 5) the main dungeons were more roguelike, procedurally-generated designs, than the static designs of mainline SMT.

If you decide to play Persona, I'd start with Persona 3--either Reload (the recent remaster) or Persona 3 Portable (which has some extra content like that wasn't included with the remaster for some godforsaken reason). DO NOT start with Persona 5 like I did--to be blunt, it's way more polished than 3 or 4, and it'll be hard to go back and enjoy the previous games afterwards. You can also technically start with Persona 1 and 2, but they're waaay different than the later entries--they lack the time management/dating sim aspect entirely, and honestly there isn't a whole lot of reason to play them unless you wanna beat the shit out of Hitler for some reason.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Copyright is the only thing protecting us from getting absolutely fucked even harder by the rich than we already are, yes.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Do you want corps just stealing every new idea and product, cloning it, and muscling out the original inventor without paying them a dime? Because abolishing copyright entirely would be an excellent way to do that.

[–] 20 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Fucking Christ, multiple people opening up about how they feel shunned by the very queer community that's supposed to accept them because they're bisexual, and here you are shunning and silencing queer people.

Are you this much of a flaming bag of dog shit to everyone in your life?

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

God, yes, I tried to get into the game twice and both times I bounced off right around the part where you go from Hell on Earth to a fucking high fantasy castle on some random planet. I'll just replay Doom 2016 if I want to shoot some demons.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago (1 children)

They did use them as best they could. They were hamstrung by a filibustering Senate, and two conservative Democrat senators (Sinema and Manchin) who refused to support getting rid of it, making killing the proposition of killing the filibuster DOA. As a result, their only choice to pass legislation was budget reconciliation, which aren't subject to filibuster. The issue is that reconciliation has several big limits:

  1. The bill has to be related to government spending, revenue, and the debt ceiling. You can't toss in things like minimum wage increases or voting rights legislation.

  2. You can only pass one of these bills per year (theoretically you can do more, but additional reconciliation bills have to go through the budgrt committee and with a 50/50 senate the GOP can just skip those meetings to deny quorum and keep it stuck)

  3. Whatever passes still has to get at least 50 votes, which means either appeasing Manchin/Sinema or getting Republican votes (which ain't gonna happen)

And despite that, we still got the CHIPS act, an infrastructure bill, and the Inflation Reduction Act, which--even with Manchinema throwing as many grenades in the process as they could get away with--was the biggest climate change bill in our country's history. Not perfect, no, but a sizable step in the right direction, for once.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

I'm utterly blessed because my personal area of coverage is in the hardware and storage systems (disks, RAID, filesystems, virtualization, etc.) so I am way more likely to interact with business users instead of individual home users, which is where the vast majority of the "I have XX decades of experience" types come from. They're also generally a lot more willing to listen to me because if I'm talking to them it's fair odds that they fucked up bad enough that they're at risk of losing all their data, and that's usually enough to get them to shut up.

But god, some of the tickets I've seen from other employees...

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

I'm not "out" in the sense that I go out of my way to actively tell people I'm a furry, and I don't have blatantly furry stuff like bad dragon stickers, nor do I tell people to refer to me by my fursona name (long story, but a coworker at my job when I first started did this, to the point where it was even his username--IIRC, management went along with it because his birth name resulted in a username that was identical to another employee's username).

That said... my immediate family all know I'm a furry and so is my husband. my avatar is either my fursona, or a generic furry character (this is the case at work where I do not want people associating me with the type of art I tend to commission). I occasionally post (SFW) furry memes like boykisser in work chat, and I wear furry-adjacent t-shirts at work. My car has Yoshi bumper stickers on it, and my desk has a picture of a grumpy-looking rabbit captioned "Don't carrot all." And if someone at work directly asks if I'm a furry, I don't deny it. So... I'm out, but not in the way where I tell everybody about it proactively?

[–] 41 points 3 months ago (2 children)

In my experience, any time someone mentions how many decades of experience they have in IT, it means they either:

  • Think that clicking the Facebook button on their desktop and finding their Downloads folder qualifies as experience in IT

  • Have decades of actual IT experience, but think everything still works like they did in the 90s. Yeah, maybe you were an IT expert at one point, but you never bothered to keep your skills fresh, you geezer.

In either case, they think they know better than the lowly flunkie trying to help them, and trying to get them to actually listen to you and "please sir just upload debug logs, I beg you, no those aren't debug logs, I gave you the instructions to generate debug logs three times already, maybe things will be different after the fourth time, there's a literal KB article with step by step instructions to sync your photo library, no I won't call you to handhold you through this, I'd literally just be reading the steps in the article" is pure suffering.

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

God, the unrelenting misery is killing me in this platform. I think the thing I'm most sick and tired of more than anything else is the constant stream of The Usual Suspects butting in with "But what about Gaza?!" on Every. Single. Post.

Post an article about Biden proposing a ceasefire agreement in the war? Complain about Biden giving support to Israel!

Post an article about Biden celebrating pride month? Complain about Biden funding Israel!

Article about Biden forgiving another batch of student loans? "BUt Biden supports israel!"

Article about Trump getting convicted of felonies? "But Biden! Gaza! Israel!"

Article about a small town library fighting LGBTQ+ book bans? "GAZA! ISRAEL! BIDEN! BAD"

Article about a goddamn random topic completely unrelated to Biden, Trump, Israel, politics, or the US at all? "GENOCIIIIIIIIIIDE!"

It's at the point where I've cut back on Lemmy usage entirely because every comment thread I click on is like navigating a fucking minefield of misery. Nothing good can ever happen, no policy changes can ever be celebrated, no events can be remarked upon, without someone butting in with a reminder that Genocide Mother-Fucking Joe is personally shoveling coal into the palestinian child incinerator. No post can ever leave you with any emotion other than the thin veil of doomerism settling upon your shoulders, a pall of depression casting itself over the tragedy of the world, and a sense that modern society is an Aristocrats joke that has long since crossed the line from "horrifying" to "funny," then back to "horrifying," then back to "funny," before settling itself so firmly in "horrifying" that the audience is casting nervous glances and hoping that someone else is the first to call the police.

[–] 12 points 3 months ago

Don't bother, he's one of the many trolls whose entire purpose on Lemmy is to shit on biden

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