[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 1 points 23 hours ago

Ok but doesn't this imply no one would click their links anyways

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 1 points 1 day ago

i understand the point of paying creators, but the fundamental nature of advertisements is psychological manipulation. there isn't really properly ethical ads because the very practice is based on mental warfare

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

quilt primarily split because the other modloaders are made by bigots. this is why doctor4t decided to only use Quilt, because Fabric has weird transphobes on it as far as I remember and the forge team is just full of weirdos. Doctor4t says this explicitly on the Effective mod page. plus quilt is literally compatible with 99% of fabric mods so it's kind of pointless to get up in arms about it. i've used primarily quilt for modding as of recent and have found exactly 1 incompatible mod, which isn't even really incompatible, seems to just be a side effect of quilt waiting for 1.21 to start updating and patching it

also the forge/fabric split was somewhat justified too. fabric is comically less bloated and boots way faster than any forge setup. lexmanos is generally an asshole (and bigot afaik) hence NeoForge, and that isn't really shaping up to be much of a split because pretty much everyone seems to just accept NeoForge as the new forge now.

also the reason people say not to ask for forge ports is because they're doing this stuff in their free time and it takes fucking ages to port something to an entirely new platform

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

yeah, but still.

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

these ads are sponsorships by hosting companies etc, not mod developers or players. i mean i suppose some members of the companies could be minecraft players but it's not necessary to be hired, I'd imagine

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 9 points 2 days ago

well i guess that would answer that

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Ever since a commit was made to EasyList, a conflict has begun between UBlock Origin contributers and numerous mod developers that use the Modrinth platform. This is because this commit blocked multiple sponsorship referral banners on mod pages, specifically on the Modrinth website. Modrinth themselves has come out against this change to the EasyList block list and due to UBlock Origin using it by default, this is primarily a conflict between UBlock Origin's main contributors and active mod developers on Modrinth.

Mod developers complaints primarily are that the implementation was commonly breaking their mod pages, leading to important support links for players to be hidden, and that the change negatively affects them monetarily as independent developers. Some mod developers have begun automatically changing their referral links to prevent them from being blocked every time a commit attempts so. Mod developers' are concerned their livelihoods could be ruined by this EasyList change.

UBlock Origin has retorted that the sponsorship affiliate links fit the Easy List definition for an advertisement and therefore they will not make an exception. This is likely because implementing any kind of acceptable ads policy is out of the question for them, as a similar policy is what led to the original UBlock from becoming sub-par and less usable, leading to the UBlock Origin fork.

This primarily raises questions about how or why these mod developers are losing money. The presence of concern implies that their sponsors and affiliates are able to track each individual click or view for their referral links, a practice I am sure most would consider intrusive. We can only hope that this puts enough pressure on these companies and groups to remove tracking from their links.

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 2 points 6 days ago

it's like seeing a bunch of experienced broadway actors be forced to perform a MLP fanfic

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 4 points 6 days ago

jet is shitty caricature of revolutionaries/radical leftists who appeared in the first season. bumi is a based chad king and childhood friend of Aang

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 4 points 6 days ago

Competent in comparison to most adaptations, at least. It's at least enjoyable if you turn your analytical brain off

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 18 points 6 days ago

Sorry to those who like it; It's very understandable to enjoy it. The actors did a great job and the presentation and everything is good. I am just very annoyed at the butchering of political and philosophical themes.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net to c/movies@hexbear.net

Fuck this show. Yeah, it is technically enjoyable, the production's competent, the writing's coherent, and all the IP loyalist signifiers are there. And if you need someone to complain about how some aspect of those things fell short, you can find that anywhere on Reddit or YouTube movie "criticism" channels.

Yes, this show has somehow managed to avoid the curse of incompetent production that some magic user cast on live action adaptations. Unfortunately the result is something way more horrific than any mess of mangled CGI you can laugh at with friends on a lazy afternoon. It is instead the eerily perfect, hollow shell of the original series possessed by the utter death drive of capitalism. Unlike other series, who often don't even have enough depth in the original for this to happen to them, The live action ATLA was somehow killed on a level far deeper than shitty production value or low sales. One could argue that it was killed the moment the merch factories started churning years ago, but that's out of the scope of this post.

To watch the live action ATLA is to literally witness the recuperation of actual writing and art. The ever-present, disgustingly rare in American television, criticism of imperialism is faded to only the remnants they were forced to leave in due to the skeleton of the plot, instead portraying those who suffer from the war, yet still want to take action, as jaded bullies and cowards. Jet's portrayal is somehow made a MORE liberal and inaccurate depiction of revolutionaries than the original show's. Instead of being a genuine rebel simply going "too far", a portrayal that would unfortunately be an improvement now, he is a random terrorist who kills innocent people in the in his city he lives in because he dislikes the people who are trying to invade it and don't yet. live. there???????? Because he thinks King Bumi isn't doing enough????????? So he randomly bombs people??????????? susie-baffled. I think they were trying to make Jet and Bumi mirror the "Bernie-bro radical left" and Joe Biden IRL, basically trying to both sides things, but if that's the case than it's even worse because America is the country????? Doing the imperializing???????? Not the one BEING imperialized??? pika-cousin-suffering

That is, unfortunately, the most mild affront of this adaptation, granted mercy only by the utterly shit, "I hate violinists so I'll make a violinist kill people" tier depiction of the original character they adapted. There are far worse crimes in this adaptation, and I wish they were just failures to adapt the plot or the characters.

The show's minimum, bare bones criticism of toxic masculinity and misogyny has been completely removed and stripped away, entirely deleting Sokka (now Sokkka)'s character arc from the show. Of course, the damage to the characters doesn't really matter that much in comparison to the whitewashing and erasure of even the most basic fucking critique of oppressive systems. Unfortunately it doesn't even stop at the removal of political criticism; The entire philosophical breadth of the show has been flattened and reduced to basic tropes. Aang's commitment to life and an uncompromising belief in freedom has been obliterated, and not even the shadow of it remains. Aang is no longer a child grappling with immense obligations, but instead a child who simply went on a ten-minute joyride to clear his head and then had his whole world taken away from him. Rather than grappling with the show's nuanced themes of adulthood, responsibility, freedom, and childishness, they opt instead to have Aang be scolded by every adult he meets about his lack of responsibility, with a complete dearth of pushback (minus a single "power of friendship" moment against Bumi, who is now a cynical old boomer), even from Aang himself, even though he DIDN'T EVEN RUN AWAY IN THIS ADAPTATION!!!!!! susie-heh WHAT AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO TAKE FROM THIS??? ???

Any themes or interrogations of redemption, grief, and loss are killed along with Uncle Iroh's empathy. While, ironically, we have an entire scene where Uncle Iroh the smol bean war criminal is BUWWIED by an MEANIE soldiew who's angwy JUST because his city suffewed a dwaught because of Iroh 🥺. Iroh taunts him and lords over him as being morally superior (despite being a FUCKING WAR CRIMINAL), and it is unfortunately very obvious that we are supposed to sympathize with Iroh in this scene, and view the soldier as unreasonable. Turning a character who is meant to represent someone who realized the horror of war and imperialism only after their own son was lost in combat, to a war criminal who we are meant to forgive even though he isn't sorry, because he doesn't do the war crimes anymore I guess??????

deeply unserious show. Live action shit sucks anyway

I'm also fairly sure it didn't even pass the fucking Bechdel test.

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 55 points 1 month ago

why does everyone hate deck builders wtf

did magic the gathering permanently damage my game taste?

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 45 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Been thinking about how capital has basically selected revolutionary thought out of the population by removing people like Fred Hampton, preventing the specific behaviors that allow revolution to happen from being taught to new generations of prospective revolutionaries in both an informal sense, such as with Fred Hampton or other “role models” for revolution, and in a formal sense, by pushing parents and teachers that would pass those revolutionary behaviors and lifestyles down to their students to the periphery of livelihood and often killing them through social murder. Anyone have theory I could read on this? Are there any books that disprove, discuss, or elaborate on this idea?

I’m posting this in the news megathread because it feels more sober and serious than regular megathread conversation.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net to c/movies@hexbear.net

ok so after watching Wonka I can definitively state it is entrepreneurial capitalist propaganda which positions our protagonist, the “noble” Willy Wonka, as a revolutionary overthrowing the monopolistic chocolate cabal. Unfortunately, Willy is nothing of the sort. Due to the nature of value and the capitalist mode of production, Willy Wonka MUST exploit his workers to make profit, and if he ran at a loss or just barely breaking even, he would quickly lose to less ethical companies. In a sense, we live in a world where a Willy Wonka cannot exist. This is why we will never have an Everlasting Gobstopper until we achieve communism.

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