
joined 1 year ago
[–] Elbrond@feddit.nl 6 points 1 year ago

I think the conclusion that people hate chronological feeds is not a very strong conclusion. People also hate some algorithmic feeds, especially when it’s full of crap and there is no chronology anymore. An ideal situation would be if you could choose both and also if you could influence the algorithm.

[–] Elbrond@feddit.nl 10 points 1 year ago

Yes, not so fast. Only if other teams can replicate LK-99 and they can confirm room temperature super conductivity will it be time to say that this changes something.

[–] Elbrond@feddit.nl 3 points 1 year ago

I enjoy editing my hometown and have been doing it for about twelve years. But my town is already pretty complete, so I check in every six months or so to change minor details like shops or adding a new bench in the park. In total I'm not even at 200 edits, but I always enjoy seeing those edits back in major tools that use OSM.

[–] Elbrond@feddit.nl 6 points 1 year ago (4 children)

No, I hate it. I listen to podcasts while working out. It's the only thing that makes it bearable.

[–] Elbrond@feddit.nl 1 points 1 year ago

House of wax (1953). Invasion of the body snatchers (1956 and 1978).


Tijdens de opstand op 24 juni was een deel van de Wagner troepen op weg naar een nucleaire basis. Het plan was om wat kernwapens te bemachtigen, om zo Putin extra onder druk te zetten. Mijn conclusie, Wagner = Spectre.

[–] Elbrond@feddit.nl 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Why don't server admins open OpenCollective accounts or something similar. It seems to work on Mastodon. I would be willing to pitch in to help finance the instance I'm on.


Dit verandert een boel. Een VVD zonder Rutte.


“Degrowth Does Not Mean Poverty For The Working Class”


Vanaf nu te bekijken. Poëzieclips van mijn favoriete Weesper dichter, Co Woudsma. Onder andere uit z’n nieuwste dichtbundel ‘Als de stad maar vrolijk is’.

[–] Elbrond@feddit.nl 2 points 1 year ago

Well, that makes it even easier to never visit Twitter again. Right now I was sometimes tempted to follow a link and see what it was about, but I'll be happy to quit that habbit too.


Nice podcast with Kate Raworth discussing alternative economies that measure more than just the material wealth created by a society, planetary boundaries and of course Raworth's concept of Doughnut Economics.


The objective of this project is to establish a European photonics device value chain and initial industrial manufacturing capabilities. Thus, providing a path to scalable high-volume manufacturing for innovative product developers.


Ik ben nieuw op Lemmy en dit is mijn eerste bericht, bij wijze van test in een nieuwe gemeenschap waar waarschijnlijk geen enkele behoefte aan is in deze wereld. Weesp. Dat kleine stadje onder de rook van Amsterdam, het lelijke eendje van het Gooi, de stad die ooit haar geld verdiende met water, bier, jenever en chocola. De stad waar ik woon in het centrum, met alle winkels op loopafstand, de stad met een van de beste ijssalons van Nederland en een bierbrouwerij en yogastudio in de katholieke kerk.