[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 4 points 6 hours ago

Is Kamala still the VP pick?

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 13 points 7 hours ago

But...isn't this the point of having a VP?

It feels very reactionary, especially on something that doesn't really affect voters by all that much. If Biden announced a popular VP candidate, they can lead with that person being ready to step up if required.

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 1 points 13 hours ago

Oh man, the lack of a headphone jack is still a killer for me. It's one of the reasons why I stayed on OnePlus 6 for so long, and to be blunt, I don't see the Pixel 8 as a huge jump outside of power and bullshit like AI photos. My kingdom for a high-end phone with a headphone jack and stock-ish Android!

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 15 points 18 hours ago

It's a real shame that OnePlus just became an Oppo rebranding, because the OP1 was a phenomenal phone, and up until OP6 they were both cheap and had a relatively clean Android install. To date, features like gestures are still better than what you get on the Pixel, and most of their stuff is less invasive than Google's.

The Android market nowadays, especially for high end, is "which manufacturer is the least shit", and that's a real shame.

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I'm almost positive that David Beckham isn't a citizen of the US. That's almost definitely by choice, given that he'd meet the criteria for investment several times over.

While I appreciate the offer, I think my wife would probably not be too happy with me taking another lover. 😂

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

That's absolute nonsense. Most countries have similar paths to entry. They also have paths that support specific jobs that are required by the country - something the US does not. Finally, many of them have easy and clear paths to naturalisation - again something the US doesn't have.

Just because unskilled nationals make it into your country, it doesn't mean that immigration in your country is easier than other countries. Every right-winger moans about the same thing in every country you've listed...

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Haha, what do you base that on?!

My experience is the exact opposite. I'm a software engineer at a big tech company, and in this climate even they are unable to sponsor a visa to the US from the UK. Literally anywhere else? Sure, no problem at all, whether it be Europe, Singapore, China, Japan, Egypt, Australia, anywhere we have an office - except America.

Americans, welcome anywhere! We've got two in my team alone this year, and in 5 years they can get permanent residency. I know managers that want me on their team because I built tooling for them, but they're not allowed to hire me because it would require a visa...

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

To be fair, outside of London you'll find that the starting salary for many degree-level jobs is around that, including jobs like software developer. I'm in Bristol, and the pay disparity is hilariously bad - a senior designer will earn less than a manager at Burger King...

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 19 points 3 days ago

A lot of people are giving Tesla shit here, but surely there should be regulations in place to ensure something like this isn't allowed to be released for public use?

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 22 points 4 days ago

My hope is that Labour are playing this smart. They'll bang on about how Brexit won't change, but that "we'll look to increase economic and social strengths via our relationship with the EU". We'll reintroduce entry to the single market, ensure freedom of movement, and basically rejoin in everything but name - and then eventually say "well, if we want to rejoin it's basically a tick in a box".

The EU will likely be happy for the UK to rejoin, even without punishment. The most reliable ally in the battle against Euroscepticism is a former Eurosceptic that can say how shit things were after leaving, and how much better they are since rejoining.

[-] EnderMB@lemmy.world 242 points 6 days ago

All of big tech is really worried about this.

  • Apple is worried about its own science output, with many of their office heavily employing data scientists. A lot of people slate Siri, but Apple's scientists put out a lot of solid research.
  • Amazon is plugging GenAI into practically everything to appease their execs, because it's the only way to get funding. Moonshot ideas are dead, and all that remains is layoffs, PIP, and pumping AI into shit where it doesn't belong to make shareholders happy. The innovation died, and AI replaced it.
  • Google has let AI divisions take over both search and big parts of ads. Both are reporting worse experiences for users, but don't worry, any engineer worth anything was laid off and there are no opportunities in other divisions for you either. If there are, they probably got offshored...
  • Meta is struggling a lot less, probably because they were smart enough to lay off in one go, but they're still plugging AI shite in places no one asked for it, with many divisions now severely down in headcount.

If the AI boom is a dud, I can see many of these companies reducing their output further. If someone comes along and competes in their primary offering, there's a real concern that they'll lose ground in ways that were unthinkable mere years ago. Someone could legitimately challenge Google on search right now, and someone could build a cheap shop that doesn't sell Chinese tat and uses local suppliers to compete with Amazon. Tech really shat the bed during the last economic downturn.

submitted 2 months ago by EnderMB@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
Dunkey's Best of 2023 (www.youtube.com)
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Amazon's Silent Sacking (justingarrison.com)
submitted 6 months ago by EnderMB@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
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