I would also think that Americans should take a hard look at themselves as a lot of where you are is based on decisions that have been taken in the name of freedom.
I was told that in Colorado that its incredible that my wife had 12 months of paid leave and our insurance covers most of our cost (Québec Canada) and my view is that most Canadians accept to pay a higher tax to get a service in return. There is an acceptance that your neighbor should be as successful as you and even more as it benefits the society that you live in.
On the flip side you can have a self centered culture in which no one looks out for anyone else and only make sure their tummy is well rubbed. If to you freedom is had by not paying taxes well then, your doing big corporations a favor....
I understand that there are portions of politics you cannot influence but the United States of America has an incredibly strong constitution and political institution that was made for the people. You have so many rights that other countries simy do not have. Instead of dividing yourselves, you should be uniting yourself, Rep and Dem for common causes that you can agree with.
Everyone wants a cheaper health care and want their kids to have the same opportunities. You just need to ignore the extremist on both sides who are still the minorities. We just hear them because they hold the media's attention instead of the average American.
It is for you, as American to use those tools that hVe been given to you and unite and fight the mainstream media to stop showing false narrative from both sides of the spectrum. Start meeting your political representatives and let them know that you are watching and following them and will hold them accountable. Things will. Never change if you do not fight with all five of your fingers to make a fist....
Well we could ask the same question when Notre dame de Paris burned, how many millions went to rebuild it?
I respect the arts and the building is an important part of French history which is important.
I would however say that it is interesting that we cannot raise money for charities but if an art building burn oh well... Let the millions pour in....