submitted 2 months ago by Evolone@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Today, I got to thinking: what are some of Lemmy’s“go to” ways of maintaining focus, or getting their focus and concentration back after becoming distracted or being pulled away by other things “demanding” attention?

I really struggled with work today. Just an overwhelming amount of outstanding projects and assignments and client deadlines. Felt stressed and that resulted in me being avoidance and procrastinating and mindlessly doing everything BUT what I needed to do to stop feeling stressed and get stuff off my plate.

When you get stuck in those types of situations, what do you find are the best strategies to “snap out of it” and get back to work or being productive?

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 15 points 2 months ago

I love seeing your weekly readings. Always found interesting topics through your posts!

I’m currently embarking on Matthew B. Crawford’s “The World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction”…super interesting ideas here.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 5 points 6 months ago

The entire Halo series.

I never owned an Xbox growing up when the games were originally releasing. I recently got a Steam Deck and bought the Master Chief Collection on sale last week. I’ve been having an absolute blast working my way through the campaign (still early in the first game!), and I’m just kicking myself now that I never got into this earlier when the multiplayer was more populated. This shit is such my jam.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 6 points 7 months ago

Hey brother. I’m in a similar boat as you. I’m an attorney, naturally working long and stressful days and weekends, never finding time for myself, never able to decompress. I literally told someone the other day that I can’t remember the last time I was “relaxed”.

I wake up thinking about alcohol. The urge to pour a drink starts creeping up on me around 2:00pm each day. Sometimes I sneak out of the office and grab a pint at the local pub. Sometimes I pour boxed wine into my Yeti mug. The booze came my brain and helps me stop feeling all the pressure and demands of work and life. I usually don’t get drunk, just kinda numb my brain a bit… But it is a slippery slope and definitely comes at a cost. I find myself being unable to totally stop once I have that first drink. And having recently been told that I’m “not a fun drunk”, I’m worried and nervous.

Hang in there. Hopefully the new job is better. And take care of yourself.

submitted 7 months ago by Evolone@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Looking for those games that you may have heard about but never tried until you got a Deck. Or old games on systems you never had that you’re trying for the first time. Or new AAA games that just released in the last year or two that you picked up for the first time specifically to play on Steam Deck and have kept you glued to the device.

I’m trying to reinvigorate my old, nostalgic love of gaming and hoping to find the perfect Steam Deck + addicting game combo.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 6 points 7 months ago

I recently got a convertible standing desk thing, with a treadmill/walking pad for underneath. It has done wonders for my mental health while at work. Reading boring real estate contracts is a lot easier to get through when I’m standing up and moving instead of falling asleep in my chair while simultaneously destroying my back/posture.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Are you going to post your list of books read in 2023?? I’ve really been intrigued by every one you have mentioned. @alayza

submitted 7 months ago by Evolone@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

As title says, once Valve announced the OLED deck, I saw the refurbished originals go on a deep discount and figured it was time to buy in. So I ordered a refurb 512GB and I’m so excited for it to arrive! Been in a gaming rut for a long time now and, having never been a PC gamer, I’m look forward to checking out a bunch of games I’ve never played before.

What tips do you have for a first time Deck owner?

Any essential games I should be sure to get?

And finally, is it possible to get games I own on the Epic Games Store (I collected all their free games over the years) or Xbox Game Pass PC games on my Steam Deck?

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 3 points 7 months ago

Oh it’s been the Serkis ones for me too! They are absolutely fantastic.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 13 points 7 months ago

Work is stressful; the news is stressful; parenting is stressful; trying to stay healthy is stressful…


At least one thing is bringing me joy right now: listening to the audiobooks of The Lord of the Rings on my daily walks with my dog.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 6 points 8 months ago

I’d love to get into using Obsidian but it overwhelms me and freaks me out and also I just don’t know how to best utilize it for my personal work cases…I.e, how to blend professional/personal/creative uses into one all in app experience with Obsidian.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

I’m stressed. Burnt out. I’m not sleeping well, feel exhausted all the time, probably am drinking too much and just constantly feel like a failure.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 3 points 9 months ago

Thanks for sharing that book! The premise is intriguing and I’m picking up a copy soon. I love Montana but had no idea about the prevalence of communism there.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago

For some reason, I could never get into RSS readers. I tried, but quickly felt overwhelmed and gave up. I've tried to get back into it over and over again, but always get just absolutely rocked by the amount of content that can be pulled in and get discouraged. It's also hard and daunting to think about getting into it at this point, now, because there's so much content out there that I don't even know where to start with adding RSS links of stuff I follow...because sometimes I don't even know where I get my stuff from (just from all over, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, email newsletters, kbin, Google News, etc.)

A big part of it, I think, is the fact that RSS doesn’t have community curated content. to me, it just seems like such a wave of news content...but a lot of what I enjoyed about Reddit/social media (including kbin) is the community aspect, allowing for more nuanced and popular stuff to be driven to the top of the feed (based on upvotes, retweets, user activity, clicks, or what have you). So the lack of that in RSS stuff really hinders me from fully adopting it.

[-] Evolone@beehaw.org 7 points 1 year ago

I’ve really enjoyed how much discussion is going on here! It seems like everyone is excited and happy to be here. Friendly conversations is something I missed on Reddit and I’m happy to have that here.

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