Same with Chris Rock and Luis C.K. Sooooooo not funny. It's like they got infected by some unfunny virus when they did "Talking funny" with Seinfeld. Or it's just really hard to stay funny as you get older. Carlin was amazing all his life but who else? Maybe comedians are like boxers? They don't have an old timers day...
Because US and Canada have better PR.
Switching to an EV is not "free". You have to do some research, learn some new things and gain a bit of experience. Some people (for example the elderly but also stupid people) will have real issues adapting to new infrastructure. Even more people are simply to lazy to bother, will always see the effort required to switch to an EV as completely unnecessary and will complain loudly when forced to do it. The best option would be probably to wait for "EV first" generations of drivers to simply replace the current ones but we don't have time for it. Other option would be to make the switch completely painless (imagine having a charging plug right next to the gasoline dispenser on every gas station, simply choose from diesel, gas or electric) but we're currently very very far away from this dream. So yeah, the only option is to force people slowly to make the effort and at the same time work on making it easy enough so they don't revolt.
Even with the absolutely best infrastructure (which few places in the world have because it's really hard to build and maintain) public transport will still mean lower comfort for vast majority of people that use cars now. People in cities with frequent connections and many, well places stops already use public transport. Everyone else will prefer a car as long as they can afford it. People will not choose public transport if it's a bit less comfortable for the good of the planet.
What I mean is that there's nothing more we can do to sell an EV to a family like this. Sure, lots of people already own EVs but many will not buy and EV even if they are in the perfect situation to get one. This people will only get an EV when ICE cars are gone.
2 years from the original release to multiple ports, commercial applications, licencing to external groups and people actually asking to use it.
So they are as attracted to them as to other toys and are happy to stay on the lock screen? I would say that's a win. Most kids will watch YT and play games constantly. I don't think lock screen counts as a screen time.
A minute of silence for all the people killed by asshole chihuahuas...
I've stopped using their recommendations (except in my car) for other reason: I no longer knew the albums. It used to be you would get new album from X, you would listen to it couple of times, learn the song titles and think "this new album is awesome/shit/better then the last one". With Spotify it was just constant stream of songs from the sam e artist without any idea of their artistic progression. I missed that part so now I just listen to whole albums and custom playlists.
Like documents that can identify a person and are illegal to counterfeit? Let's hope governments will create some soon. /s