[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 58 points 12 hours ago

Nah, it's literally an old english word for elephant.


[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 2 points 1 day ago

I went the other way. I liked the simplicity, and thought what about MORE simplicity? I went to i3 and haven't really looked back yet.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 7 points 1 day ago

Do you have any other cardses?

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Airplanes are vehicles, yet it won't do you much good to take them to a car mechanic.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 5 points 2 days ago

that reason is not sneakers

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 12 points 2 days ago

The ports should be grounded through the motherboard. The case should be grounded through contact with the PSU.

I've heard arguments it does some EMI shielding, which is probably technically correct, but with so many cases on the market having huge glass/clear plastic panels in their sides, leaving large gaping EMI holes, that doesn't seem to matter much.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 21 points 2 days ago

that one is merely cosmetic tho, no biggie.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 58 points 2 days ago

"Look, just add in an option to re-enable spacebar heating."

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

"My momma always said, life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get, you piece of shit!"

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 95 points 3 days ago

who does that?!

How can it be in any way useful to keep 7000 open tabs?

Has she not heard of bookmarks?

I am thoroughly confused

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

wiktionary has suprisingly good info on it https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/pajeet

tl;dr: yes, it's a slur


I’ve been looking around, and with every vnc cliend I can find, when I press for example super+return, the vnc client gets backgrounded and the android “desktop” is shown.

Does anyone know of a client that actually captures the keyboard?


Reddit used to work like this but nuked it many years ago. I like it because it gives much more information about the consensus at a glance.

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