submitted 2 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by Five@slrpnk.net to c/memes@slrpnk.net
submitted 2 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/feminism@beehaw.org
submitted 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) by Five@slrpnk.net to c/science@slrpnk.net

"It was outlined above that it is acknowledged that the current economic system is understood to be unsustainable, which is why the shift toward the Green Economy is proposed. However, such a shift means not a shift toward sustainability, but rather the continuation of the current system. As explained, the Green Economy is in line with weak sustainability and thus calls for decoupling. Anyway, decoupling has been one of the driving forces at the origin of the current unsustainable economic system. As was briefly indicated, this decoupling had major drawbacks, and has been partially creating the sustainability problems we are facing now. This idea of the Green Economy follows, therefore, exactly the same evolutionary pathway as our current economy. Hence, it is not as Pearce argued that we did not try this path; we tried it already and it failed. It would be illogic to employ the same mechanisms as solution that created the problem."

[-] Five@slrpnk.net 9 points 3 hours ago

“The origin narrative of the University of Chicago does not begin with John D. Rockefeller in 1890. It does not even begin in the city of Chicago. It actually begins on a 3,000-acre cotton plantation in Lawrence County, Mississippi. Hundreds of enslaved African American men, women, and children lived and died on that plantation to make the University of Chicago, and its $7 billion endowment, possible. The University of Chicago refuses to acknowledge this part of its heritage.”

-- A Case for Reparations at the University of Chicago

[-] Five@slrpnk.net 3 points 3 hours ago

This documentary does a great job of connecting the shameful racist moment of Human Zoos with the political past, the approaching fascist horizon of the time, and the present. It's inspiring to read about the nascent civil rights struggle by Black leaders, and interesting to draw parallels to modern times.

The New York Times being quoted as saying about the protesters, "We do not quite understand all the emotion which others are expressing in the matter," and denying the humanity of pygmy people has a sober recent analog.

submitted 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) by Five@slrpnk.net to c/abc@slrpnk.net

беларуская мова

The administration is trying to eradicate any solidarity, but we were still one small family. History of captivity of Kristina Cherenkova

The antifascist from Mozyr Kristina Cherenkova was detained on March 23, 2022, along with her husband. Later, the girl was accused of inciting other social discord for unflattering statements in a personal account of Instagram in the direction of the police and condemned by 2.5 years of colony. Christina was released on April 11, 2024. We talked to her about the detention, the court and the conditions of his stay in the women's penal colony.

I felt it would happen. And it happened.

On March 23, 2022, at about 7 a.m., Christina, along with her husband Fedor woke up from the roar and the sounds of the Bulgarian. Literally a couple of seconds, the whole apartment was filled with people in black.

I did not even have time to wake up, to recover, how I felt kicks on my legs and back. I did not resist, but at the same time, it did not prevent them from using force to me, - Christina recalls.

When entering the pre-trial detention center, the girl was recorded many herds. Later, on the fact of the illegal use of physical force and special means by police officers during the detention, an investigative check was carried out, but this did not lead to any result: a few months later, Cherenkova was sent an unsubscribe, which said that the investigators did not have the opportunity to find out how she had injuries.

In their opinion, as stated in the decree, most likely I inflicted them on myself in the process of detention.

Christina remembers:

"Before the initiation of a criminal case, I was indeed detained by the administration, as well as by the employees of the ROVD of the city of Mozyry in 2021, I checked all my social networks, but then they were not confused.

Of course, I knew that I should be quieter, especially given the increased interest in my page of all sorts of crazy yabacks. By the way, one of them wrote to me denunciation of the mentums in 2021. But how could you keep quiet when you see this lawlessness every day? When you see that people are going to prison because of some far-fetched nonsense... And when the war began, it became absolutely impossible to remain silent.

The Antifascist notes that despite the fact that she was always very careful in her publications, she never insulted anyone by the namally, did not call for aggressive and violent actions, she had a premonition that sooner or later she would come.

I didn't know when it would happen, what article I would be incriminated, but I felt it would happen.

And it happened... to be honest, initially I didn't even understand who they came to - to me or my husband. When I found out that all this so-called capture group came from Minsk and from Gomel because of a few comments on the Internet, the first thought was: "Damn how many taxes in our country are spent on simulated this turbulent activity?

On that day, 10 people from Christina's entourage were detained, most of them were brought to administrative responsibility. The charges under criminal charges were brought only by Kristina Cherenkova and her friend Anna Pyshnyk.

A couple of hours after the arrest, when after all the searches I was brought to the ROVD, I had a many hours of interrogation by an employee of GUBOPiK. From him, I almost immediately learned that I was detained on suspicion of committing a crime under article 130, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code.

When the investigator closed the case, she said that she did not see the composition of the crime at all.

The trial of Christina Cherenkova began almost eight months later and lasted three days. The girl refused to testify in court, so in the trial she read out her testimony from interrogations.

It was not a court, but some kind of theater of the absurd. The journalist who broke through to one of the meetings, said to my relatives later: "I'm not bad, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ale I am so not audible, at the voise of the biv-nauschvayuc?.

In the indictment, the posts in the ?nstagram, containing the following expressions:

I congratulate the Belarusian policemen on their Dnoma, "The well-known fact is worse than g... on, "Good ment" is dead ment, "Dumb a piece of brainless biomass in balaclave" and others.

For this, Christina was found guilty of inciting social discord against such a group as policemen and deprived of liberty for two and a half years.

In general, I still counted on as much as two years, since all the numerous inspections that have been carried out for so many months could not find anything. Identified only a negative assessment of the activities of police officers, expressed in the words of the message of the "msor," "msor," etc. This was enough for the prosecutor to request 3 years in prison, and the judge gave 2.5 years of imprisonment.

It's not "ball that when the investigator closed the case, she said that she did not see the crime for the 130 article at all, but she was instructed to close it with her.

You don't actually belong to yourself.

In February 2023, the Supreme Court considered the appeal of Kristina Cherenkova on the verdict, but left her unsatisfied. After the anti-fascist was transferred to the women's penal colony No. 4.

According to Christina, the most terrible thing in the conclusion, especially in the colony, is the feeling of absolute helplessness.

You actually do not belong to yourself... And yet, I, as a person who appreciates his time, was simply unbearable to spend daily precious minutes and hours on some useless idle, endless constructions, conclusions from the factory and to the factory, endless queues in the captive.

And, of course, sometimes it was very difficult to hold back and not to tell the employees everything you think about them.

The girl notes that the life in the colony is built in such a way that there is not a minute of free time for political prisoners. If the work falls on the first shift, then after the rise at 6 a.m. there are literally 20 minutes to lock the bed, wash, dress.

Then you go to breakfast, and after it begins the withdrawal to the factory. From the detachment to the factory is about 100-150 meters, but this path lasts on average half an hour. The work shift lasts until 14.30, but you get to the detachment at about 15.10-15.15, because for a long time you stand, and then go through the inspections and the carp [frame with the metal detector."

If immediately upon arrival from work you did not come up with any activity, such as lectures in the club, then before checking you have half an hour to drink a cup of coffee. At 16.00 begins the county-family check. Immediately after it, the "vector" begins when you have to sit for a few hours in the room of educational work under the camera and watch TV. Next we have dinner, an additional check for the fuchet, and there it is time to prepare for the bed.

Christina says that between all these regime measures, the prisoners have moments of free time, but if you need to clean the snow, draw puddles, go to inventory, etc. If the work in the second shift, the day looks almost the same, only broken differently.

The life of political in the colony is significantly different from the life of "orderly prisoners": what is possible for a simple mortal is strictly forbidden to the political. Even the little thing can lead to punishment.

And in everyday life, we have special conditions: upper beds on the aisle itself, the most inconvenient and inaccessible places in the captive, calls one by one and under the supervision of operatives, while everyone else enters the crowds, long dates for a maximum of one day and without the removal of products that bring their natives, the ban on visiting entertainment events in the club and the gym, the ban on the work hours. in the factory and other restrictions.

I'm waiting for you all, my dear ones! Together we are a great power!

Because of the anti-fascist views, Christina sometimes felt biased by the colony's collaborators.

I was forced to paint two of my tattoos, and one of them is an anti-fascist flag. I was told that this image has already been included in the list of extremist symbols of the Republic of Belarus.

But I would never do that. And besides, I knew they were just trying to intimidate me.

In the colony, Christina was practically not ill, but if necessary, having defended a couple of hours in line, she received a handful of tablets. At the same time, she is absolutely sure that doctors are much less willing to give the hospital to convicts under political articles than ordinary prisoners.

In captivity, the anti-fascist was very lacking good music. At the same time, in the pre-trial detention center, Kristina painted a lot, her drawings came out in letters to relatives.

For creativity, time flew for me imperceptibly. I really liked it... But unfortunately, there's actually no time in the colony. For a while, I was painting for a squad editorial board. For example, my mother's day card took the first place in the colony, but my name did not appear anywhere. Political can not be in the editorial board officially, but many draw "underground."

Christina says that in the colony felt support from other political prisoners.

I was very supported by the girls in the colony. Despite the fact that the administration is constantly trying to eradicate any solidarity and mutual assistance among the convicts (especially political ones), we were still one small family.

Also, the relatives of Christina tried to regularly convey to her greetings from friends and associates and talk about how many people support her.

Of course, that gave me strength.

Kristina notes that the letters not from her relatives almost did not reach her. But in the prison of the girl came a lot of pleasant parcels:

This attention was very much supportive of me!

In the colony, very strict censorship, and, unfortunately, letters there are almost no breaks. But it's still great that people are still trying to support political prisoners - writing letters and providing other support. At least the colony's administration and censors see that people still remember and loved.

To all who remain in captivity, I want not to lose hope and strength of the spirit! Sometimes it seems that despair covers with his head and you can not see the lumen, but it is not so much. I'm waiting for you all, my dear ones! Together we are a great power!

You can support Christina by translation on the following details:

PL59 1020 4900 0000 8602 3669 8310 Krystsina Charankova RKO, RPK


Fedar Charankou LT553250020307376461 the Revolut Bank UAB

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submitted 5 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/chicago@midwest.social
submitted 5 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/victoria@lemmy.ca
submitted 6 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/usa@midwest.social
submitted 6 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/abolition@slrpnk.net
[-] Five@slrpnk.net 7 points 7 hours ago

TIL that Trump's Russian patronymic name is Fredovych.

submitted 7 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/world@lemmy.world
submitted 10 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/environment@beehaw.org
[-] Five@slrpnk.net 6 points 10 hours ago

There's a certain segment of the population that embraces collapse in a way that hastens its arrival, withdrawing to rural areas and fortifying themselves with guns and mentally preparing themselves to kill others to survive in a way that fuels right wing politics.

I think there are ways that one can prepare for collapse without contributing to the trends that accelerate it. Storing non-perishable food, for example, can be useful to survive a serious social disruption, but is also useful to support workers engaged in strike action, or give you a financial cushion to allow you to quit an exploitative job. Building networks of interdependence and support that exist outside the state are just good praxis, aside from being extremely valuable when shit hits the fan.

submitted 11 hours ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/news@beehaw.org
[-] Five@slrpnk.net 0 points 1 day ago

My 'assumptions' are that you work in machine learning and AI. We've shared this platform for a while. If you didn't announce it almost as much as you announce your anti-capitalism, I could correctly assume it from the pages of patronizing apologia you've written about it.

And while I'm happy to 'antagonize' you on behalf of all the other people you've belittled and spoken over, I don't think you're the enemy. I appreciate the pushback to my ideas occasional adversarial scholarship provides. I hope your ego eventually softens to appreciate what I'm trying to achieve here.

[-] Five@slrpnk.net 0 points 1 day ago

complaining about me giving sources.

I've taken the graphs and numbers you've given me in gratitude, and used them to debunk your ideological position. Everyone makes reading comprehension mistakes occasionally, but it unusual for someone to get things this wrong this consistently. I'm reminded of the Sinclair quote, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." And this is tragic, because while it may benefit your short term feelings of privilege and stability to trivialize the need for drastic degrowth while engaged in an extremely energy intensive industry, you are also a victim. Your near term future is going to be impacted just like everyone else's by the widespread inability of many people like you to meaningfully grapple with the difficult but necessary steps required to avoid the worst of the climate catastrophe.

[-] Five@slrpnk.net -1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yes, coal+natural gas has decreased. The fall in coal is bigger than the rise in natural gas. You can check it in the source the article linked.

I'd love it if you could teach me someting, but your strategy of throwing sources at me that don't back up your statements undermines your authority as a media literacy educator. The total fossil fuel use peaks in 2005, but saying the graph conclusively shows a decreasing trend in Fossil Fuel use is evidence of wishful thinking; the slopes are so small that if you drew a line from that peak to the COVID minimum in 2020 and extrapolate from that slope, the zero fossil fuel use point would still be in 2090. There is a local maximum in 2018, and an increase in fossil use at the end of the data set in 2021, suggesting a return to pre-COVID growth. Covid has nothing to do with 2018, and while it explains the increase in fossil fuel use in 2021, it doesn't explain why fossil fuel use increased faster than alternative energy use in the same year. If there was an unambiguous downward trend in fossil fuel use, you would not expect 'noise' large enough to poke holes in that hypothesis.

Some of the decrease in coal was from renewables replacing them or have you an alternate explanation?

The standard explanation I'm aware of is that with the discovery of new fracking techniques, natural gas has become economically cheaper than coal, causing some of the less profitable coal plants to shut down. This is also the simplest explanation from the explosion of natural gas on graph #1. Wikipedia lists ~30 decommissioned US-based coal power plants with +200 still firing.

You can't claim 'coal has been replaced' when a percentage of its total capacity is simply being furlowed for when it becomes competitive with other energy sources again, like your source projected it to in 2021. May I remind you that the alternative name for Jevons Paradox is the 'Bounce-Back' effect?

Furthermore, the hypothesis that manufacturing new alternative energy sources will replace fossil fuel energy use without any need for social or political pressure would predict that with each increase in alternative energy growth, there would be a corresponding decrease in fossil fuel use. This is soundly contradicted by the data you've provided.

Only the year 2010 from 1955-2010 showed negative fossil energy growth from the previous five years, and in that year the amount of energy provided by alternative sources grew much more than the amount that fossil fuel use shrank. This not only contradicts the 'replacement' hypothesis, but also supports my hypothesis, which predicts that without significant political or social resistance, market forces will cause alternative energy to complement fossil fuel rather than replace it. Using both renewable energy and fossil fuel creates lower energy prices than either one individually, and lower energy prices stimulate economic growth. Economic growth results in more demand for energy, and thus more sources of fossil fuel and renewable energy in a 'virtuous' cycle.

The more granular recent data also contradicts the 'replacement' hypothesis.

From 2010-2020, total energy used in the United States has shown little growth and been roughly static. If fossil fuel was being replaced by alternative energy, you would expect to see fossil fuel energy use decrease with each renewable energy increase. That behavior does not appear in the data. Instead it looks like the kind of bouncy data you expect from market behavior between competing goods.

I didn't expect to see the energy use stagnation in the United States from 2010-2020, which was interesting. My guess is that this coincides with a change in US trade patterns where energy-intensive domestic manufacturing was shifted to Asia.

Based on this trade graph, I would predict a boom in both new fossil fuel plants and renewable energy plants in China from 2010 to at least 2017, and similar paired growth in other Asian countries the United States traded with. I suspect the United States' stagnation is due to energy - from coal, renewables, or otherwise - being cheaper abroad than from any domestic source. Once that is no longer the case, I predict the United States will 'bounce-back' and begin producing significantly more fossil-fuel-based energy if there is no significant political or social force to stop it.

If China built no new fossil fuel plants during those years, or if manufacturing returns from abroad to a politically and socially stagnant US and there is a decrease in fossil fuel energy generation, that would be a significant blow to my hypothesis. If I haven't convinced you that the 'replacement' hypothesis is wrong, please tell me what prediction would have to be false in order for you to abandon that hypothesis?

[-] Five@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 days ago

Denmark-based ElectricityMaps.com joins Spain, Norway, and Ireland in recognizing a Palestinian State :)

[-] Five@slrpnk.net 13 points 3 days ago

münecat is always welcome here.

[-] Five@slrpnk.net 5 points 3 days ago

I joined Reddit because of the thoughtful discussions, and because it was well moderated, site:reddit.com became an extremely useful search term to find answers to difficult questions. I didn't have much appetite for meme communities and ironic shitposting. It is frustrating to try and discuss the nuance of an article with a pool of people who comment with their knee-jerk reactions to the article title but aren't interested in the actual content.

My thinking has since shifted since I started studying patterns for good community-building as a Fediverse admin. It can take significant parts of an hour to engage with long-form content like an investigative report or video essay, and that severely limits who can participate constructively in the comments section. Meanwhile a meme takes seconds to digest, which is more typical of available leisure time. A post on !documentaries or !infrapolitics is lucky to get a dozen votes and any engagement, while it is unusual for !memes posts to get fewer than 100 votes.

I'm still garbage at finding good memes or making my own, but I've come to respect that while a lot of the discussion they provoke isn't particularly constructive, the sheer volume of the response and the mechanisms of moderation and vote filtering mean some surprisingly insightful discussions can arise in 'low-effort' post comments. And people who engage with meme content often experience it as a gateway to more serious communities on the server.

While the traffic to a meme community can spill over to your other discussions and draw additional attention to your server, I don't suggest creating one if you no longer have the appetite for that kind of content. Meme communities require at least as much moderation as more serious communities, and are more likely to attract trolls and bad actors. But If you can find people interested in creating and maintaining them based on your server's ground rules, I don't think it's a bad idea to include those kinds of communities on your server.

[-] Five@slrpnk.net 10 points 4 days ago

If you come to the server to troll or argue with vegans, you're uninvited.

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joined 9 months ago