[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 25 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

In this video I discuss how Korean Telecom (aka KT Corp) deployed malware to the PC's of 600k of their customers who were using bittorrent applications to share files with one another. [Mental Outlaw]

If this checks out, and it seems to, this is the craziest shit I've ever heard of an ISP doing.

Edit: Invidious video link - https://yt.drgnz.club/watch?v=iRjdjck3obY

Trickle down rule (slrpnk.net)
[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 4 days ago

With phone link I have tested the beta version and you can use your phone camera wirelessly after initial setup. At least I was able to do this using a Redmi Note 9s without any obvious issues, apart from the privacy concerns noted elsewhere.

[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 44 points 4 days ago

Aye exactly mate, down with the mega corps!

[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 4 days ago

I'll volunteer to help out with moderation. I have some spare bandwidth.

[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 4 days ago

The only unique (I think?) thing about phone link is that it enables you to use your Android phone camera as a webcam, which can be handy if you don't have a quality webcam. I think its only in the beta version though.

[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 35 points 6 days ago

1337x.to is generally fine to use, just be sure to check the notes on the Megathread and use your common sense.


  • When signing up on the 1337x platform, it's crucial to bear in mind that it's accessible to all users.
  • The act of downloading movies and TV shows is often regarded as safe. This is primarily because these files do not come in .exe format, thus reducing the likelihood of virus infection.


  • It's highly advisable to be careful when downloading games and software from the site unless you have total confidence in the uploader's trustworthiness. Avoid uploaders like IGGGames due to their notorious track record of distributing malware.
  • Opt for reputable uploaders like DODI Repacks, FitGirl Repacks, and KaOsKrew to ensure reliable content and mitigate any potential risks associated with unverified sources.
[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 6 days ago

That's great, thanks for making this, and for going to the trouble of making an account here just to update the wiki. Awesome stuff :)

praxis (slrpnk.net)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16374600

Patrick Breyer, a staunch defender of digital rights, laments the Pirate Party’s exit from the EU Parliament as a blow to online privacy.


This is a good example of how copyright’s continuing obsession with ownership and control of digital material is warping the entire legal system in the EU. What was supposed to be simply a fair way of rewarding creators has resulted in a monstrous system of routine government surveillance carried out on hundreds of millions of innocent people just in case they copy a digital file.


May be of interest to fellow pirates... youtube trailer | invidious trailer

Ah, the good old days of Kazaa, Bear Share, LimeWire, and Morpheus. What do you guys think - did piracy permanently devalue the music industry as claimed? Or were the record companies just massively overcharging for music in the first place? Given that record companies have been stiffing artists since forever, what is the best way to support your favorite musicians today?

In the streaming age, the concept of music piracy seems eons behind us. Back in the early 2000s, however, pirates shook up the industry by stealing and illegally distributing MP3s, which listeners would otherwise have to pay for.

How Music Got Free takes viewers back to the ‘90s and early aughts, when the FBI launched a sprawling investigation into music piracy to identify – and convict – those stealing music. Even once the thieves were discovered, mass music piracy was blamed for permanently devaluing music.

Directed by Alexandria Stapleton, the two-part documentary premiered at SXSW earlier this year.

Yo ho! (lemmy.world)
Dots connected (lemmy.world)
Very unsexy (lemmy.world)
[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 174 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Just a quick update, lemmy.world has posted an update that explains their decision here: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/16795373

TLDR is that the person who removed the community is fairly new to the mod team and didn't realize there was a bit of a history to this situation. Also, looks like they are sticking with the decision this time around though.

Please don't harass the lemmy.world admins/mods though - if you don't like the situation you are free to register here or on another instance. And if you aren't a lemmy.world user, then this doesn't affect you at all.

I'm proud of our community here, and it's their loss, not ours! pirate captain giving the thumbs up

  • updated the link

This update is more applicable to new users, however existing users might also want to check out the updated signup page. Note that existing users will have to sign out or use incognito mode to view the page. A copy of the updated text is included below for easy reference.

Our application process is mostly the same as before, and has so far proven very successful in screening out bots and other problematic users.

The main change is the addition of our Golden Rules to the signup page. These rules were already in place for our instance (in the sidebar), however we wanted to ensure that they are foregrounded for new users, since the sidebar is not visible on the signup page. That's the main rationale for the update.

We have also added a line asking people to ensure they verify their email, because it's fairly common for people to skip that, and then we don't receive their application.

If anyone wants to suggest any further edits or improvements, please comment below and we will take your feedback into consideration.

Thank you for your interest in joining our community. Note that this is primarily an anarchist server, but you don't have to identify as an anarchist to join. Please take the time to read the Golden rules before applying, to make sure our Lemmy instance is a good fit for you.

Golden rules

  1. Don’t be shitty to each other. For clarity, calls to violence and/or telling people to kill themselves is strictly prohibited.
  2. Follow the Anarchist Code of Conduct. This code forms the basis of all our moderation decisions.
  3. No posts promoting cryptocurrency, blockchain or NFTs.
  4. No advertising or self-promotion without prior approval from the community moderator or site admin.
  5. No extreme-right-wing bullshit. This includes conspiracy theories, SovCit, Copoganda, AnCaps etc. We’ll know it when we see it, don’t test us!
  6. No anti-science or pseudoscientific bullshit.
  7. No Tankie bullshit.
  8. No TERFs.
  9. This instance is proud to be an ally of LGBTQ+ people and communities. If you're not cool with that, then please don't apply.
  10. When going to other communities, respect their rules AND our rules when they are more restrictive. Do not give cause for others to de-federate our instance please.

Application instructions

For your application to be approved, you'll need to include all three items listed below:

  • Please include the following words "I agree to follow the 10 golden rules" in your application.
  • Tell us the name of your favorite anarchist, pirate, or open source advocate.
  • Mention one public event or news story that happened in the last month.

Incomplete applications will be rejected. Profanity is encouraged. Thanks for understanding.

Note: Please be sure to verify your email when applying, or the application will not be processed.

Appeals process

If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision in matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#div0-appeals:matrix.org and we will be happy to reconsider your application.

[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 151 points 9 months ago

Yeah, it was a nice surprise for sure. I'm glad to have the lemmy.world crowd back, plenty of booty for all.

a pirate chest full of doubloons

[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 103 points 11 months ago

If you say enough batshit crazy stuff then sooner or later you're going to get something right by accident.

[-] Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com 156 points 11 months ago

A repack is usually a cracked release from another source that has been heavily compressed to reduce file size. They often come with a custom installer that manages the decompression process and streamlines the installation process, so you don't have to manually install patches/cracks after installation, and can skip optional content. Trusted repackers like FitGirl will also check for malware/viruses in the original crack, so you can be reasonably confident the repack is safe to install. Having said that, always take your own precautions when installing anything from the internet, i.e. virus scan and only use trusted sources.

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joined 1 year ago