It's a commuter backpack, momentum 30. Has a front pocket to fit a bike helmet, I never use it for that but a big stretch pocket on the front is so useful.
Overall, it just always seems to fit everything I'm carrying with me to most places.
I've got a few other smaller travel bags too that I used to store computer accessories and toiletries when I travel.
I want to like mastodon but I don't want to do the leg work of finding accounts. I like the algorithm to some extent, I want help to find things.
I also have trouble deciding how to support the post. Liking doesn't do anything and tooting or whatever puts it on my page. I don't feel part of the community boosting topics I like.
I like voting things up and down.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong but I try and get instantly bored because I have to hunt for everything. I really tried.