[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 16 points 2 months ago

Full on Transit app that works well. Most that do are closed sourced and the ones that are open do not work well. A traffic app would be good but that would be very resource intensive. So not holding my breath.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 17 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Size of card aside, the notion of getting local provider sims or pay-as-you-go SIMs while traveling has been a thing in Europe for at least 20 years.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 21 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yeah, the actual term was State sponsored extra-judiciary assassinations. Just so we are all on the same page just to call a spade a spade.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 21 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

True. But they did that. Anyway. That is technically Anti-Trust. Thus in essense illegal. That is why uber tried shilling that they are not an employer but merely a service as to seem that they were skimming the Law that they knew they were breaking in Spirit. They aren't stupid. But know many are, so why not exploit them? If we are smart, they thought, they could drive Taxis out of business, be the big dog in the sector and surge price their way into profit. At will. It is not like this type of shit has not been attempted before.

Also, Uber simply transfered the costs of running its fleets, upkeep, maintenance, including most liability and litigation to its drivers. Not to mention that love it or hate it Taxi drivers need to pass some basic level of proficiency, for uber you could be a blatant rapist and as long as you can click on a form for 5 minutes, you are good to go.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 19 points 3 months ago

Uh, most reasonable people want this. Extended Universes are so early 2010's.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

In fairness, at the time, many Europeans believed in faries and other creatures, including these guys:


[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Best way, try to be as self-reliant, both as an individual and as a group/family/friends. So it helps to have the same mindset. Quality will always beat quantity in this regard. Not to mention will help make you more content. Ignore happiness, it is a short, fleeing feeling that marketers will exploit. Contentment lasts. Seek that. Worth noting my background was in Marketing before I walked away from it.

So, minimize consumerism, keep it reasonable, ethical and try to grow or make most or at least part of your food. The more the better. Learning how to cook well is a good start. Highly limit social media in general.

I stopped watching TV/cable over a decade ago. I am amused and minimally horrified at ads online and on TV these days. Social media is little different. I would rgue it us far more harmful to your psyche. Especially if you spend too much time on it or to younger minds.

Use uBlock on FF derivatives and you will never see ads. That alone is very worth it, specially over time.

Saving up can be done with things that have value, focus on real world assets. Never too early to start.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 23 points 4 months ago

Noticed that the MSM is barely touching the story or if they are, with little contextual detail. Am I the only one who has noticed this?

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 21 points 4 months ago

Most people dislike her. Most black people do not lile her. She bleeds black staff constantly, this was on the news. Like what has she really done with her given portfolio? Most people are barely aware of what it even is.

Just saw that Biden will be not taking a Mental Cognitive Test on his next physical. Wonder why.

Maybe because there are a number of videos lile this plus all the recent stuff. It is concerning. I bet they will swap for Newsom.


[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 16 points 6 months ago

I knew they had lied when their first lie was a 1 year old video, their second lie had the wrong time stamp, their third lie --the GPS tracking one-- got cancelled by their fourth lie, which was a fake phone call recording that did not sound like native Arab speakers. Which was widely panned as "absurd," by most of the Arab world.

Their next lie was a video of a Muslim woman at a hospital who ended up being an Israeli actress. And not even an inknown one, she was somewhat known. Etc.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 18 points 7 months ago

That is impressive since the world share for Linux is something below 4%. So the uptake is over double of that of the rest of the world.

Makes sense, when I check new distro/apps videos on YT, something like 70% of them are made by Indian people.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 15 points 8 months ago

Worth noting that the "whoops, those people are using humans as humans shields excuse so that makes it okay to bomb entire buildings, schools, religious places and killing ALL those people," is also a war crime.

As per International Law and also Amnesty International, and if you do not want to be a monster, you cannot okay genocidal, free for all attacks like that on civilians.

Legally, they are not free to start killing civilians and think it is okay. Sure it makes it harder but it is NOT a valid excuse or remove them from liability to then just start killing civilians.

No historian or Lawyer sees the Dresden firebombing attacks in WW2 as not genocidal, even within the context and excuse of modern warfare. This is why there are still ongoing debates on the dropping of nuclear bombs on Japan, even 78+ years after the fact.

I am surprised no one calls the Israel Government or the IDF on such obvious bullshit line of thinking. And I say that having family in Israel. Having them there makes the situation nuanced and complex, but it does not turn me into a blind amoral idiot, either.

They also cannot claim to be the victims or the ones not into the position of power over the Palestinians when they can shut off, water, electricity and food at will and keep them in essentially open air prisons. The UN was correct to say that this did not happen in a vaccum. Yet Israel is trying to pretend as if they were wrong to say that and that we were all born 5 years ago.

The EU head was calling Russia war criminals when they cut off water, electricity and food to some Ukrainian areas but when Israel does it, they cannot trip over themselves hard enough trying to voice support and offer money. And some politicians will conflate and remove all nuance when people support the Palestinian causs and equate it with support for Hamas. Because of course they will.

If anything this has further educated me to see and point out who are the raging hypocrites.

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