[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 month ago

And right after that, Israel will continue to bomb the southeast of Gaza as if nothing was agreed on, at all. Oh, typical Bibi.

But this was expected. The master plan is to get rid of the Palestinians, removed them from their land. Hoping someone else will take them, and then be their problem. Oh, typical Zionists.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 14 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Of course and what is it that they want you to do? Just cut your food intake, eat lab meat, lab milk, bugs, and live in a shoebox. When food production in the USA is 9% of all carbon emissions. And out of those 9%, less than 3.8% is meat. While the cruise ship industry is 3.3% of total, worldwide.

Meanwhile, our CEO's, their boards, and their extended families, and largest stockholders go on, out on yatchs, zipping around in private jets, go to massive, endless, exorbitant decadent private events and eat whatever they want, whenever they want, because... suck it, pleb.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Wow. What a dick.

So... 'Yeah, we/Dems pick whoever and instead of picking someone better or at least 30 years younger, but... what are you going to do? Just take it.'

Honey, only because you put up with your cigar loving Clinton, it does not mean we have to put with you.

What hubris. No wonder she lost to a grifter like Trump. Imagine the insult. Well, at least she will pass into history never being the first female President. That thought will linger and will rot her from the inside out given how narcissistic she has come across.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 12 points 2 months ago

I shall await for the day it is revealed that the Zuck's Meta mined some data sources illegally via some Court case discovery and eventual pay out while claiming to not have broken any laws. We all know that will happen.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 12 points 3 months ago

Context: They are not unfair.

They are just not as outrageously and ridiculously high as say, American medical salaries, in the aggregate.

I mean, one is Socialised healthcare, the other is whatever private insurance madness Americans have. Where people can lose their home due to a broken leg, in fees. That is not really happening in Finland or Canada. Unless it is some extreme case.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 13 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

It is not impossible for many. It is just not worth the risk of making more dead bodies while trying to retrieve them. So they do not bother. Callous to some but that's reality. Hell, some dead bodies are used as milestones or waypoints for some going up.

There a few though that have been lost over the years. And trying to find them is simply too risky. There was the body of a British lady who you could see a few years ago but no one can see her anymore. Likely just covered in snow/ice.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 12 points 4 months ago

True. When it comes to knowledge about coelacanths, never settle.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 12 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

It really comes down to what is your use case. Also, a bit of a mindset change since you have to do a bit more research on some apps yourself, nothing too bad, like checking on the App's Github if they have one, to see issues or bugs. Some of which may apply to you... or not. F-Droid has a link for most apps on their app.

Personally, I removed almost all apps on my phone that have ads and/or improved privacy in one way or another.

I used to use Nova but I found KISS launcher or it's fork TinyBit Launcher much better. Why? Because I do a lot of searches and liked that it is search focused and you can add all types of different searches once you know the proper syntax. From Wikipedia, to Youtube, to Searxng, to Dictionaries or DuckDuckGo, you can add almost all search engines. The app is really, really light on resources and it does what I want it to do.

I dropped all Google products, rooted my phone and removed them off my phone along with Google Play Services. Avoid all apps with any trackers. Albeit I still have a couple that I still need. But it is a great improvement.

Use K9 for mail, OpenVPN in lieu of my VPN provider's app, BraveNewPipe or NewPipe w/Sponsor block for Youtube and other services. Use Mull instead of Firefox, due to being more privacy focused. Eternity for Lemmy, as a, well, Lemmy client.

KDEconnect to send/ping/transfer/control PC's and phones over local Wifi. It's free. Now, I know that many people may not use it, but I set up a Nextcloud Instance on my server and thus have Notes, Maps, RSS reader, File and Bookmarks Sync all through that by using their free apps. All available for free from F-Droid. But you do need a server.

Also, Termux as terminal. You can do lots with it due to all the apps and services you can install and run. I used to run a Searx instance from my phone and I used that to search along with my VPN.

For weather I use either QuickWeather or Geometric Weather, with icons you can get for free from the Playstore.

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 12 points 5 months ago

Ha, nice. I see what you did there.

For others in case they do not know:


[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 12 points 5 months ago

The Lockdowns ended up being poison to the middle class. Not to mention horrible for the mental health of millions and removed the development of children in specific demographics. :-(

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 12 points 8 months ago

Ain't that illegal?

[-] FriendBesto@lemmy.ml 15 points 8 months ago

Worth noting that the "whoops, those people are using humans as humans shields excuse so that makes it okay to bomb entire buildings, schools, religious places and killing ALL those people," is also a war crime.

As per International Law and also Amnesty International, and if you do not want to be a monster, you cannot okay genocidal, free for all attacks like that on civilians.

Legally, they are not free to start killing civilians and think it is okay. Sure it makes it harder but it is NOT a valid excuse or remove them from liability to then just start killing civilians.

No historian or Lawyer sees the Dresden firebombing attacks in WW2 as not genocidal, even within the context and excuse of modern warfare. This is why there are still ongoing debates on the dropping of nuclear bombs on Japan, even 78+ years after the fact.

I am surprised no one calls the Israel Government or the IDF on such obvious bullshit line of thinking. And I say that having family in Israel. Having them there makes the situation nuanced and complex, but it does not turn me into a blind amoral idiot, either.

They also cannot claim to be the victims or the ones not into the position of power over the Palestinians when they can shut off, water, electricity and food at will and keep them in essentially open air prisons. The UN was correct to say that this did not happen in a vaccum. Yet Israel is trying to pretend as if they were wrong to say that and that we were all born 5 years ago.

The EU head was calling Russia war criminals when they cut off water, electricity and food to some Ukrainian areas but when Israel does it, they cannot trip over themselves hard enough trying to voice support and offer money. And some politicians will conflate and remove all nuance when people support the Palestinian causs and equate it with support for Hamas. Because of course they will.

If anything this has further educated me to see and point out who are the raging hypocrites.

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