[-] Frokke@lemmings.world -1 points 4 days ago

Oh noes, facts. The bane of all renewables evangelicals.....

Just wait till you have to tell them they're looking at irrelevant data. Not only are they using specific usecases that are not applicable to a large majority of countries, but they're also using data that doesn't support the long term fossil fuel goals.

Just wait till you tell them how much the electricity requirements will skyrocket once we're transitioning to EV, dropping fossil fuel heating, cooking, cargo trucks switch to EV, etc etc.

[-] Frokke@lemmings.world -1 points 5 days ago

Are you that far removed from reality? Drop the "european" and it'll still be true. So what exactly is your point?

[-] Frokke@lemmings.world -2 points 5 days ago

Well no. Your premise was anecdotal experience. Your articles are not relevant. Funny how you're annoyed at someone else's ad hominem, yet yours is totally valid? Ze victim complex runz deep.

[-] Frokke@lemmings.world -4 points 5 days ago

Good luck in the winter. ๐Ÿ˜‰

[-] Frokke@lemmings.world -2 points 5 days ago

Eastern Europe doesn't represent Europe as a whole. Never has, never will.

No. The victim pit you're in is the perpetual victim role you've taken on as a personality.

[-] Frokke@lemmings.world -4 points 5 days ago

Oh for the love of fuck would you get out of your bottomless victim pit?

[-] Frokke@lemmings.world 45 points 2 weeks ago

Be the chad.

I've seen the snickering. I've helped quite a few people. Not everyone is open to it, but most welcome it if you treat em with respect.

Same thing with bouldering. You see someone inexperienced struggle with a route and you give em a few pointers. You show em the moves. Can even help people with routes I can't do cuz I somehow know how to read em.

Be the positive change in the world.

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