[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 30 points 7 months ago

Because I'm terminally online, that isn't stonetoss. That's Boulderlob, stonetoss' nazbol cousin.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 33 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The free speech right at it again.

They'll do this, they will shoot climate activists, but you bet there will be a ton of hand wringing about free speech when a nazi gets punched for making death threats against innocents.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 32 points 8 months ago

No particular order:

  • Being a furry/furry sympathetic.
  • A science major of any kind. IMO the S needs more love in STEM.
  • Ever overhear them say "walkable" in a positive light.
  • Hobbies besides media consumption
  • Not "too cool" to learn something. Likes learning for fun.
  • Not to concerned with looking cool or badass, either. Look at CHUDs, I made a joke the other day that I can sense a decent bit of residual 90's 'tude in modern CHUDDery, and I think I'm onto something.
[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 41 points 8 months ago

Keep this essay in mind. There is a vested interest in wanting to believe that the US really is wholesome chungus 100. Kind of like how white supremacists MAY be dumb, but a more plausible explanation is "You're a special and you deserve to rule over the lowly poo people like a god by divine right." is something a white supremacist has a reason to WANT to believe, even if it is bullshit.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 59 points 9 months ago

"I love cars. Therefore we should mandate that EVERYONE drives!"

As someone who is forced to drive because I was unlucky enough to be born in bumfuck nowhere: fuck you. I hate always-busy traffic. If waiting in line is your idea of fun, go watch paint dry or something. I'm too busy to lengthen my commute.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 53 points 9 months ago

The planet is being cooked by oil companies benefitting from your tax dollars and you're thrown in jail for disagreeing with it...

but then they want to lecture you about "freedom" when you mention regulating pollution in any capacity.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 40 points 9 months ago

IRL? Climate change. No one around me seem's to GAF. Of course, I know places like here share in my belief.

However, kid me when I first learned about the concept of evolution and now worry about how the reliance on industrialization will negatively impact our evolution if we overly rely on technology to do everything for us. I worry about "inventing ourselves to extinction" basically and that's more or less my pet concern.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 41 points 10 months ago

Hate crimes. grillman and frothingfash cannot resist the temptation of committing hate crimes, and the pleasure they get from making innocents suffer.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 40 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)


  • We are run by an oligarchy of nihilists that gladly want to make humanity go extinct to buy yachts they can already afford.

  • I am constantly told I need to lower my expectations for everything day by day, and then told I am entitled for simply wishing for the life a white boomer had in the 60s. If that makes me entitled, what does that make the white boomer that DID get to experience all that? No, I'll never own a house, now even renting is out of reach. Looks like porky's all set with his workforce and the only jobs left pay 14 an hour tops.

  • Just how fucking boring this world is. Look around you, there is so much to see and do and you will never experience any of it because you were not born a multimillionaire. You will never experience the beauty of Sierra Nevada, you will never get to enjoy Niagara Falls, even if you are lucky enough to have stable employment. Americans proudly call vacation a thing of the past, and the few times people do go on vacation, it's practically suicide for their career.

  • Bigotry is somehow being paraded as this noble thing, actually and that actually being tolerant is supposedly this sign I'm some big dumb-dumb.

  • If blue cities are so bad, why are property values there so high? Shouldn't red areas have higher property values since most people are fascists and want to live in a place where minorities are more optimally oppressed?

  • If this country hates me so much, why isn't it easier for me to simply move to another one? Even kkkanada would be leagues better than this shithole.

  • Some of the worst atrocities being justified because it is for "the economy". Ol' Vivek argued that climate change isn't real because if it was, the consequences of doing something about it would hurt "the economy", as if consumerism is a human right that transcends clean air and water. Hence my first point about us being run by nihilists. If they sincerely believed in God, they wouldn't be doing this, or be claiming "it's okay, I'll be dead before anything bad happens! YOLO!" They only believe in their God whenever they need a justification to do whatever they want. Ironically, God seems to tempt more people into sin than Satan and Lilith combined

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 41 points 10 months ago

Conservatism: An idea so good it has to make alternatives ILLEGAL.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 45 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

frothingfash in 2014: "Stupid SJWs, my rights don't end where your feelings begin."

frothingfash now: "Stupid SJWs, your rights end where my ego begins."

'Free Speech' mfs really do like their blasphemy laws.

[-] GarfieldYaoi@hexbear.net 56 points 10 months ago

But ultimately, according to the survey, most Tesla owners plan to buy a Tesla again.


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