The ride or die Dems make sense because it's the last thing holding their entire world view back from collapsing. Republicans are overtly evil so they're not an option. Third parties have no real chance of elections or social change. There are no mainstream activist groups that have social capital or numbers for change (like the civil rights movements).
So the Dems are all you have left to believe in the system. If you admit to yourself Dems are coconspirators in all the bad things about America, then you have no real reason to think America is a force for good. So for the majority of liberals the cognitive dissonance is an easier pill to swallow than saying "Are we the baddies?" Not to mention there is an infinite amount of media for you to consume that reinforces that dissonance so you don't have to think about it.
Thesis: Ken Jeong should go back to practicing medicine
Antithesis: Ken Jeong should continue acting if that's his passion
Synthesis: Ken Jeong should have a daytime show where he diagnosed funny medical conditions called "What's Wrong, Dr. Jeong?"