Sometimes means testing can become more expensive and time consuming than just getting the benefit out the door to everyone.

Plus its less popular because you inevitably have the murdoch-whingers crying about the less wealthy being undeserving by dint of their lack of wealth, and also people complaining over edge cases that miss out.

[-] 7 points 2 months ago

I feel compelled to represent as a moderator of c/perth/westernaustralia over on the Aussie-Zone server.

There are tots-defs ten or twenty people here that will understand this hop, skip and a jump reference.

So, ah, yeah, sure showed you! 3! pffft!

[-] 8 points 2 months ago

The US led west, (very much including australia), are such hypocrites over these atrocities. Theres probably more evidence for these than the Russian war crimes in Ukraine. And yet there are no chest beating bellows of morality from the supposedly moral western governments when it comes to Israels likely crimes.

The region only seems to react to power. The rug will have to be pulled eventually for this to stop, do it now, save a few lives.

Or you know, keep going with the Grand Strategy against Iran. Who cares if a few more crimes are committed against Palestinians if the 'big dogs' taken out. /s

At the end of the day, even if they take down the Ayatollah, and the revolutionary guard at best it'll be a pyrrhic win for the west and arab states. Inter-generational scars don't heal because some leadership group is replaced.

I hate reading this stuff, but cheers u/zero-gravitas for posting. We have to know the good and the wrong things happening, and we are associated with. Whichever side of this particular subject people come down on.


Freo are doing more grants. Anybody got an idea for an art project they want to try?

[-] 7 points 4 months ago

This is a lazy argument.

First, because the comment stands alone, it invites the ridiculous assertion that if voting is expensive, then why should we do any voting at all?

But, of course, thats probably not the intent of the comment. I'd guess your intent was to state how much of a waste that particular vote was. Which is likewise how many people probably felt about the same sex marriage plebiscite, or before that the republic referendum, or any other you can think of.

The point is, a large enough portion of effected people across the country were deemed to see this issue as important enough to consider or rebuff a proposed change. It might've meant nothing to you, in this case, but there were people on both sides of the argument that it meant a lot to, and they still needed the rest of us to weigh in.

Anyway, my issue is with the argument put in dollar terms like that, it just misses the point of all these sorts of things we do.

[-] 7 points 4 months ago

Never assume a bottle of apple juice in a footwell is apple juice.

[-] 7 points 4 months ago

Um, i suppose you could apply the effect of the black plague on middle ages europe.

Estimated to have killed 1/3 of all people. There was a subsequent rise in wages/worker bargaining power attributed to the lack of labour supply.

I suppose thats an example of rock bottom and coming back with some benefit.

I wouldn't call it 'bouncing' back though, more like struggling on with a sliver of silver on those grey clouds. Not an adviseable course for a country to take.


Anybody produce a wine or spirit?


Link for more info if someones interested,

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Hi all, went to the launch of the State Library's WA Beer History collection in the foyer.

The beer, 'Otherside - Gilded Ale', was brewed based as close as reasonable to a 1913 recipe. Tasted a bit like what i remember Swan Gold to be.

There was a recipe for Cheap Beer. Great example of old cursive for people who saw the post a few days ago about reading/writing in cursive.

Very interesting panel of interviewees. The most interesting panelist was Phil Sexton, of Little Creatures and Matilda Bay fame. I've since found this podcast, he talks about some of the same stuff for those interested.

All in all a great event.


I don't give a damn about heat records being 'smashed'.

I don't give a damn about what a 'textbook summer' should be.

I do give a damn about when the people who worked so hard to prolong inaction on this mess are going to be held to account. But of course those people are still being paid millions to have a whinge about some protestors disrupting their hard day of work to destabilise the society that enriches them.

Note: I get that its a writing device for the reporter to keep the issue in the news cycle. I just think its a bit uninspired.

How about journalists start exploring the juxtapositions between the climate fraud and other fraud that reached prosecution. Really start spelling the lack of accountability out for the Government. Maybe start with the Asbestos case!

Thanks, and sorry for the Thursday night rant.


What a cool project!


This is pleasing. But i really hope she isn't planning a run in State politics.

If she is, she doesn't have my vote!


Anybody want to become the owner of probably the mostvunique cinema in WA?

Also, props to the local community for stepping in to help where they can!

[-] 7 points 5 months ago

Hmm, you raise a good point. In the last few days the conversation has also been about colesworth. Maybe they're thinking about a more general corporations tax increase, or some kind of fine regime in situations where market power is seen to be being abused.

Me, i favour closing corporations tax loop-holes and increasing corporations tax a bit. As far as stage 3 goes, keep most of it, because bracket creep has happened. But reintroduce the removed tax bracket so the end result is everybodies income tax moves up in line with the tax we were paying years ago.

[-] 8 points 6 months ago

This concocted nuclear energy debate, being pushed by the industry, is such a powerful reminder that while attitudes in aggregate can change across generations, the same propaganda previous generations fell for, future ones will also fall for.

This is analogous to 'clean coal'. The whole campaign rests on these technical truths that are cynically used to make sweeping generalisations about an industry in order to shape the good faith arguments and policy recommendations against the industry as radical and over-reaching to the casual observer.

[-] 6 points 8 months ago

Chef the movie with Jon Favreau, and then the Netflix Series he did with Roy Choi, introduced Alio e Olio to me. Parsley is a key ingredient and it shines. When you get the balance of flavours and textures right in that dish, its happy days! Its a refreshing but filling dish.

[-] 8 points 9 months ago

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt!

[-] 7 points 11 months ago

Ah, the classic bloatware, because they can!

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