
joined 3 years ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Got to say I really like the Fold. It's professional yet cozy

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I haven't used Jellyfin with docker before, just with podman and as a pod in k3s. Both work great and are easy to maintain. If you're more familiar with podman then docker, then I'd recommend using podman.

[–] 7 points 7 months ago

openSUSE Tumbleweed or MicroOS. I've since long given up on so called "stable release" distros, because a boon to me is to feel like I'm not using software from the stone age, which is what I feel every time I have to use a RHEL, SLE or Ubuntu system.

I've used Tumbleweed on laptop and desktop for about 6 years. Never has anything crashed, or at least nothing has ever become unbootable. The most damage ever done by an update was a regression in mesa that made 3d accelerated content absurdly slow, but even that was fixed within a few days.

I use MicroOS on almost all my servers and it's rock solid.

zypper is slower than pacman, apt and dnf, but it's extremely usable and easy to work with, even in enterprise scenarios. I'd say it's basically on par with dnf, usability wise.

openSUSE in general feels extremely stable, and I just love that they went btrfs by default a few years back and just seem to have this future proofing aspect.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago

Just make sure to mount your volumes with the :z or :Z flags. I have disabled SELinux on servers in the past, but never when I've just used podman containers, since "it just works" with SELinux. Literally never had any problems with containers and SELinux.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I'm currently running Jellyfin on a VM in Proxmox and have been for a long time, it works great. My storage solution isn't glorious, but it is simple. I just have a Debian LXC container in proxmox that bind mounts a large disk and exposes that through an NFS share. Then I've installed jellyfin with Podman/Docker on a VM that has that NFS share mounted.

Also, a lot of people have already said this, but Podman/Docker only looks intimidating before you use it. It's A LOT easier to get applications running then using the "traditional way". The only thing that could potentially increase complexity for you is to expose a GPU to the docker container. But since you said you don't have a dedicated GPU I'd strongly recommend using a docker container for the job. Once you've used it, you'll never look back.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I used to manage the file hierarchy myself, but I haven't done that for years at this point. Same goes for tagging files and such. I just download everything to a root folder called "music" and let lidarr handle everything from there.

Lidarrs default file structure is something like {Artist}/{Album}{Year}/{Track} . This can of course be changed. Then I let lidarr just tag everything for me automatically, embedding album art and such.

It's a great setup overall, but I don't know where Lidarr indexes it's music library from, because some artists and albums might be missing sometimes. That's really the only pain point.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Really? I've been using three and four finger gestures on Plasma for a while now. Three fingers to change desktop and so on. Are you on an old version of Plasma?

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

My preference for a few years have been a combination if IBM Plex Sans for most stuff and Iosevka for monospace. They both look amazing! Iosevka might look a bit weird when first seeing it but I can't really use anything else these days. However, Fira Code is a really good monospace font as well.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

Even on windows I mostly do ctrl + left click. If I'm selecting files I'm most likely going to copy/cut/paste them, so I'm most likely going to have my other hand on the keyboard anyway

[–] 10 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I get why they're doing it, so it's not a big deal for me as long as I can still use single click to open folders.

That being said, double click always seemed like a weird "hack" to use what is essentially the main function of the left click, no? As in, the primary thing I want to do when left clicking something is to go to that thing. Go to that folder, go to that link and go to (open) that application. "Selecting" is not the main action I use so I've always felt weird when "selecting" gets what is essentially the main function of the mouse, the left click.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

I haven't used Manjaro in years so my experiences are not up to date, but from my experiences it always felt unpolished and somewhat amateurish compared to other distributions, especially compared to Arch.

I've made Arch crash many times but part of their ideology is that Arch "is as stable as your are". So when I made Arch crash it always felt like a fault of my own.

Manjaro, however, that has marketed itself as a new user friendly distro borked itself after updates just as often as Arch. Back in the day at least. For a newbie oriented distro I don't think this is excusable.

Then Manjaro has done some really weird choices over the years, like with them shipping a proprietary office suite. As well as them not renewing their SSL certs in time for their forum. Several times...

Still, I don't like the idea of point release operating systems so I've always kept to rolling release systems, and if you want a solid rolling release then I have to recommend OpenSuse Tumbleweed. Haven't crashed even once in the 5+ years I've been using it on several PC's and servers (in the form of MicroOS).

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