
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It’s the same. I know it as Dog Vomit Slime, but there seem to be a ton of regional names for it. Scrambled Egg Slime is one of the more inviting names, but I’ll always prefer my dog vomit.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Lemmy definitely has some weird algorithms. These posts do hit All, but I'm not sure what dictates how they're listed in Hot or Active. I've had posts receiving downvotes within minutes of posting, so there seem to be a lot of people catching new posts.

Personally, I don't care about the voting of my posts. Though I hate the idea of posts getting buried just because people don't like the topic or source.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I would like to see the topic brought up with candidates, though the questions would need to be presented in a way to limit ridicule. I think the best route would be framing the questions around security and lack of transparency in the government. The historical and recent UAP sightings near nuclear facilities and military locations would be a good focus to show that there is a long standing security concern that isn't getting properly addressed.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The downvotes are always strange to me. I see my share of posts get downvoted for no clear reason. Fox does make some people instinctively downvote, so maybe that's part of the reason.

I wish people would at least engage the comments to voice their opinions. And, if the UAP topic isn't something certain people want to see in their feeds then they should block the community instead of downvoting the posts. Lemmy is still small and when people downvote posts without discussing why then they're just going to stifle Lemmy's growth.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Looks like slime mold to me, particularly Fuligo Septica.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

To start, the post is about a large range of proposed origin of UAP. Why did you latch onto extraterrestrial when it encompasses a small fraction of suggestions of what non-human intelligence could be?

You then make the assumption that they are from another planet that would require FTL travel and that they are concerned about being seen.

Did you look at this post and have you listened to Karl Nell's discussions? It seems that you came in here to make an argument without understanding what you were arguing against.

I'm not stating that Nell is right in his claims, but please at least address the claims he's made.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Since the Schumer amendment didn't pass in full, there could be some deviation to the timeline. However, some essential elements of the amendment will get the ball rolling.

By October of this year, all UAP related government documents should be provided to the National Archives. That means we should be seeing non-classified documents and redacted classified documents being made public this year. Though, one of the items stripped from the amendment was the committee needed to review the classified documents and ensure all documents are provided to the archives. However, there is potential for that to be added in any of the upcoming National Defense Authorization Acts.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

This is a great breakdown of potential origins. It's important to note that the phenomenon is broad and will encompasses multiple origins on this chart.

For anyone that wants more info on Colonel Karl Nell's statements, there is the SOL foundation presentation this slide came from and Nell's discussion at SALT where he stated “There’s zero doubt” that non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

This will be a hearing focused on AARO and separate from plans by members of the House to hold their own follow up hearing.

I’m not a fan of Gillibrand’s focus on the resolved cases and not the incidents that AARO has no explanation for. AARO’s goal is obviously to resolve incidents, but it’s the truly anomalous events that are crucial to understand. So far, it seems that they’re handpicking easy to resolve incidents and sweeping the difficult to explain cases under the rug.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

This article highlights a history of UAP sightings at Pantex Nuclear facility ranging from the 1950s to as recently as 2015. These events help highlight the long history of UAP sightings around nuclear facilities.

“From the late 1950's to the mid 1960's UFO's were seen over Pantex Ordnance Plant near Amarillo TX. I lived three miles away to the east at the time. During this period there were about 100 sightings, but those of us that remember [sic] don't talk about it much.

The Airbase was still open and they would scramble Fighters to intercept. But it was always the same. When the jets closed to 2 miles the object would go up at high speed. The jets would circle a while [sic] then land. Then sometimes it would come back down to its spot.

This was repeated on many nights. Always the same type of object, that changed colors.”

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

It's good to hear that they're still working towards hearings and intend on bringing in new witnesses. The election is bound to shape the discussion this year, so I'm hoping that they can get a hearing established soon before it gets overshadowed.

I do wish Tim could back the full UAP amendment put forth by Schumer and recently Garcia. He gets fairly defeatist on whether any of these laws will have any impact, which is understandable. But, he puts too much faith in his own amendment which is too short to cover any of the technicalities needed to ensure Congress can actually obtain and review needed records.

And, there does seem to be a lot of momentum behind the scenes by various groups in Congress to continue passing legislation and keeping the topic in public spotlight. There may be some headbutting along the way, but the overall goal seems to be full disclosure. We're already on the way, since the National Archive should have UAP documents handed over by October. What power Congress has to review it and ensure that they did in fact receive all relevant records may be dependent on upcoming legislation. Regardless, there should be some more UAP info come to light by years end.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

It definitely would depend on what disclosure entails. I believe just disclosing the existence of and government engagement with a non-human intelligence could be easy to embrace or shrug off for most. However, introducing details of their culture or beliefs would redefine a lot of people's ideologies. Collectively, humans never fare well with introducing new culture into their lives. And, if there comes a day that we publicly engage a non-human intelligence then we'll be facing a range of new social and psychological conflicts.


I updated the video's link to SALT's official video. I wasn't expecting them to get the video up so fast, since their other videos seemed to take a while to be uploaded after events. Out of all of the NYC event's discussions, this has been the first and only interview to get uploaded.

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