[-] Hexamerous@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago

We had a burger warship in Stockholm a few years back, and they immediately got caught for prostitution/sexual trafficking.

Don't worry tho, liberals assured me there won't be any American bases or nuclear weapons on Swedish soil. Of course, they're not explicitly forbidden to store nuclear material in Sweden, they even fought to keep the option open, and they have "unlimited unregulated access" to 17 bases here. But it's totally not the same bro, it's different, bro. Trust me, bro.

[-] Hexamerous@hexbear.net 1 points 1 day ago

Some alien xeno-anthropologist will find the remnants of human civilization but it's just a giant radioactive machine planets of servers running bitcoin mines, generating NFTs, answering emails.

[-] Hexamerous@hexbear.net 14 points 3 days ago

They'll have a pit crew to fill up on fluids, change the diapers and tighten any loose skin. biden-troll

[-] Hexamerous@hexbear.net 10 points 5 days ago

Hey now, bombs don't care about gender and sexual orientation. Those civilians where slaughter indiscriminately.

[-] Hexamerous@hexbear.net 9 points 6 days ago

Israel does not have enough nuclear weapons to do this by itself either.

Then again, It would be very on brand under-doing it so we just get nuclear fallout and radiation instead of the intended effect. Egged on by Christian Fascist/Zionists death drive, evangelical rapture prophesies and climate change denialists desperate to keep their treats. They already accepted that 100s of millions will die from climate change, what's a few 10s of millions more.

Remember that we live in the dumbest timeline.

[-] Hexamerous@hexbear.net 60 points 1 week ago

According to wiki they only have 9 powerstation in the whole country and the biggest ones in the north...

All well withing reach of Hezbollah rockets.


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