[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 2 points 14 hours ago

Have they removed the sail part of the blades?

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 4 points 14 hours ago

If you were a player with known good two-letter word knowledge, playing someone without, you might try it as a bluff knowing you may go unchallenged

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 6 points 19 hours ago

Carpet for your only whole $99 room only

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 22 points 5 days ago

Omg the amount of sneaky coke ads I saw on that site was insane

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

When you look at the moon, your field of vision is the sky and its surroundings.

When you look at a picture of the moon, your field of vision is the picture of the sky and its surroundings, and the surroundings of the picture.

Basically you'd have to have your face close enough to the picture where you'd see ONLY the picture, for the moon to look as impressive as IRL (and I daresay it'd be out of focus).

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 10 points 6 days ago

What's with all the non-empathetic comments here? 1,300 deaths is a horrible tragedy ๐Ÿ˜ž


I get about 1/1772 but I'm not confident

Be change wish see (lemmy.world)

The orcas' trait is they orchestrate


I'm sick of random capitalisations mid sentence. I'm sick of common words being replaced by less common ones or even downright nonsense. I'm sick of it taking three attempts to successfully get the word I want. I swear it's been like this for five years or more. Can we have a better version yet, or at least the old one back?

Cardigangster (lemmy.world)

Bonus cutesy version: โ€”

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 108 points 7 months ago

They also reduce noise pollution

And reduce the propping of petrostates

And can be fueled, in theory, almost anywhere there are buildings (including your own home/work)

And that fuel can also, in theory, come from fully sustainable sources

They also help normalise the usage of renewable energy (this is a factor that shouldn't be overlooked, imo)

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 120 points 8 months ago

I'm not particularly enamoured with that man and his sheep

Neither are wearing seat belts

[-] HonoraryMancunian@lemmy.world 108 points 10 months ago

And the joke's alternative anti joke punchline:

The bartender served them both water, because he fully understands everyday human interaction and translated the request as intended.

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