[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 83 points 1 month ago

What is their obsession with this dude?

According to the Fox report, House Ways and Means Committee chair Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) says Biden "mischaracterized" his role working for his own firm, Rosemont Seneca. Biden said that he didn't "control" the bank accounts for the company and they were not "affiliated with him."

Really? ? Wake me up when republican's find evidence. Otherwise, this is just the same circus with the same clowns.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 77 points 1 month ago

What is Biden's definition of a genocide then? I am seriously curious.

Because many people that are leaving his cabinet, they seem to think it is a genocide.

Students seem to think it's a genocide.

The public thinks it's a genocide.

The Jewish and Israeli population think it is a genocide.

So... everyone else is wrong then?

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 81 points 1 month ago

… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said.


He believes child marriage should be an option, so abortion isn't an option. I would expect this from 4chan, not a government official.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 74 points 1 month ago

We have now locked out members of the bargaining unit and fully implemented our contingency plan with highly qualified firefighters performing the work of (union) members.”

Strange, that sounds a lot like Union Busting.

I know the company that has plane parts falling out of the sky and engineers "Dying randomly" wouldn't try anything funny during this time.... RIGHT BOEING!?

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 80 points 2 months ago

Stay safe everyone, the government clearly doesn't like this message because it is counter to their objectives in the region.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 86 points 5 months ago

“The IDF has taken action and will continue acting to identify misconduct and behavior that does not align with the expected morals and values of IDF soldiers,” it said in a statement sent to CNN.

The problem is, this kind of behavior aligns perfectly with:

In one video, a soldier is seen going through a woman’s wardrobe, including her underwear, making derogatory, sexist remarks about Arab women.

A photo shared online shows a soldier standing next to a Hebrew sign spraypainted on a wall in Gaza that says: “Instead of erasing graffiti, let us erase Gaza.”

The Israeli soldier looks directly into the camera, then turns around and sets a pile of food supplies on fire. “We turn on the light against this dark place and burn it until there is no trace of this whole place,” he says as another soldier fuels the flame.

I couldn't be more disgusted with where my tax dollars are going.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 83 points 6 months ago

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) said Sunday that the United States needs to accept that Ukraine will likely need to “cede some territory” to Russia to end the fighting.

The problem is that if you reward Putin for his efforts, you only empower him and dictators like China and Iran. China will go after Taiwan, and Iran will go after Syria.

Because after all, they don't have to beat the US military, or even war exhaustion from the people. He just has to outlast the greed of the American Senators.

Which compared to the 800 billion we spend on the military, or the $300,000 you can bribe a senator. It would seem that Russia has chosen the more economic approach.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 93 points 7 months ago

According to two sources familiar with the matter and another person briefed on Team Trump’s legal strategies, the former president and his lawyers are intentionally trying to provoke the judge into a nuclear-level overreaction.

This? Is the plan?

That's like saying you're going to kill a dragon by hopping into its mouth.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 74 points 8 months ago

I have just learned that the very Biased, Trump Hating Judge in D.C., (blah blah blah....), ME, has reimposed a GAG ORDER which will put me at a disadvantage against my prosecutorial and political opponents,” Trump wrote at 12:28 a.m.,

Want to know what's the first thing you should not do when getting a gag order? Eliminate plausible deniability that you saw said gag order and then violate it.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 84 points 8 months ago

There was no way that coin was going to sustain itself like Spez claimed it would.

People weren't going to buy crypto coins, just to give content creators medals. And the idea that medals would give more power to these people, except not really and only in polls.

This was such a jigsaw puzzle of shit, before you realized that each community was supposed to make their own coin that could only be used in that community.

At that point, it is a coin trying to be as complex as possible, without really doing anything that you paid money for.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 77 points 8 months ago

I like what I see. Everything looks like a set of conditions I can support. I am not sure about the gore part, but I can understand why people wouldn't want that can of worms.

4.1: No one under 16 years of age is allowed to use or access the website.

Someone's going to need a stretcher for the roblox mods.

[-] HuddaBudda@kbin.social 83 points 10 months ago

The block feature is not there out of the goodness of their CEO's heart.

It is there to limit liability from harassment. After all, why police harassment laws at your expense. When you can get the end user to enforce it for you.

It's just Dumb evil.

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