[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 2 points 11 hours ago

Then shit in the sockets.

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 1 points 12 hours ago

Yeah decaf is just as tasty as regular. I have at least a cup of decaf everyday in the evening.

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 4 points 2 days ago

I'm assuming the person in the picture is a prominent archer?

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 7 points 2 days ago

It's not an insertable toy, it's just a novelty vibrator.

Hold my lube!

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 5 points 2 days ago

Ranked Robin is a better choice than RCV.

STAR voting is a better option also.

RCV has it's problems

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 0 points 3 days ago

Only thing missing in this pic is the joker makeup.

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 2 points 4 days ago

Got a link for the mad max cow killer video?

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 1 points 4 days ago

And the cult of the dead cow was born!

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 42 points 5 days ago

Less people means less stress on the environment though.

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com -5 points 5 days ago

Ranked Robin is a better choice than RCV.

STAR voting is a better option also.

RCV has it's problems

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 255 points 3 months ago

This all because US society views sex as something shameful, especially when it's a woman being sexual. I think that all these anti-porn laws we're seeing in the US is about controlling free speech, and controlling sexuality (women's moreso than men's)

If what she's doing on her own time isn't illegal then employers should not be able to fire her for it.

I guess the silver lining of all this is that she made a million bucks in six months. If she's smart with her money and invests it she could set herself up for life after doing this for few years.

[-] HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com 77 points 3 months ago

Wtf is up with the look on that ladies face in the thumbnail.

Nymvpn (nymvpn.com)

If this ever gets to the point where I can use this by paying cash for access (and not having to deal with cryptocurrency) I would totally give it a try.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by HulkSmashBurgers@reddthat.com to c/guix@lemmy.ml

Edit: Turns out for what I'm trying to do (mount luks encrypted raid after start up) only needs the device mapping for the raid drive and not a file-system object.

So I luks encrypted the raid and call a script to open the vault and mount it when I need to.

In my system config file I added a raid drive like so:

(mapped-devices (list (mapped-device
                                     (source (uuid
                                     (target "guix")
                                     (type luks-device-mapping))

                                     (source (list "/dev/sdb1" "/dev/sdc1"))
                                     (target "/dev/md0")
                                     (type raid-device-mapping))))

(file-systems (cons* (file-system
                                  (mount-point "/")
                                  (device "/dev/mapper/guix")
                                  (type "ext4")
                                  (dependencies (list (list-ref mapped-devices 0))))

                                  (mount-point "/mnt/nas")
                                  (device "/dev/md0")
                                  (type "ext4")
                                  (mount? #f)
                                  (dependencies (list (list-ref mapped-devices 1)))) %base-file-systems)))

I'd now like to luks encrypt the raid drive but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. Do I simply make a another mapped-device object, specifying the raid drive uuid and "/dev/md0" as the target:

   (source (uuid
                {raid uuid}))
                (target "/dev/md0")
                (type luks-device-mapping))

and then pass that as a dependency to the raid file system object?


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