
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Florida. Because all arrest records and mugshots are pretty much immediately available to the public they get the most stories of dumb criminals in the media


I was talking to my friend how much I've been craving lobster 2 days ago. They now have lobster at my grocery store - they haven't had lobster in years. Last winter I was talking about how much I like goose over Turkey for Christmas dinner and suddenly they had frozen goose and they literally never had goose before.

Am I being targeted or am I paying more attention or am I just being paranoid?

If the bots are listening, bring back lamb. I'll buy lamb chops.

sacrifices had to be made when turning the country ~100º counter clockwise to get that sweet inland sea between them and Spain

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I had a roof leak about 5 years ago that cause a lot of damage in one of the bedrooms. I fixed the leak but it took a long time to save up to fix the room. Last month I finally had enough money to get it fixed.

On Sunday, tropical storm Hilary caused several roof leaks including over the same bedroom. The ceiling, wall and carpet that I just replaced is destroyed along with a good chunk of ceiling in the garage. I can tear out the drywall in the garage and leave it, but idk how I'm going to afford to fix the roof and the bedroom.

So my week started out with a lot of frustration.

Oh man, I remember 7th Guest that game was so cool - a video game with live action cut scenes! That was the same genre as Rama (1996)


I've been wanting to get solar for years but my indecisiveness kept me from pulling the trigger.

I finally bought (not leased) solar panels - I just said "yes" to a flashy sales person.

I over paid for sure, but it's still cheaper monthly than I pay for grid electricity. I guess it's a win but I could have saved a lot of money if I shopped around (I've checked since) and actually did anything more than "think about it".

I got ID'd the other day to buy beer. I'm almost 40.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I get where OP is coming from overall, but that's kinda been Futurama's thing. Other places it's shoe horned in and lazy but that's been like half of Futurama's episodes (and the vast majority of South Park) since the beginning.

That being said, I do think the quality of TV has been going downhill for years and few things seem to really be original anymore.

I pledge allegiance to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Depends on the use case. I used to make websites (~10 years ago) and someone wanted an image scroller and I knew for a fact someone else would want the same thing but with a different number of images showing and maybe instead of clicking next it shows the next image it shows the next 3 images etc. We had piles of very specific scrolling scripts that weren't flexible and were hard to bring to another site. I spent a bunch of my own time making a single script that could cover most cases and it ended up saving a ton of time and became the go-to script for everyone.

Eventually someone else came in and upgraded the script and made it better before making it a core script. Now with a couple HTML classes (and a little CSS) anything can be a scroller. Options can be changed with a few data attributes.

Sometimes it's worth it sometimes it's not. I've had things so specific that I coded it like I was robbing a liquor store (get in and out as fast as possible).

[–] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

From the images I could find, it looks like they trimmed 5 trees. If the trees die, LA County can fine them up to $18,000 (according to a quick Google) per tree or $90k for all 5 - that's basically couch cushion money for Universal.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (6 children)

If I had a dollar for every time I proposed spending more time on something to make it flexible and able to grow but being told to "hard code it" to save time, I'd have several dollars. If I had a dollar for every time I had to patch that 6 months later, I'd have several more dollars.

Unrelated to the artical, but years ago I bought a Corsair k95 and got a box of them (4x). Gave away 2 of them but I still have one new in box if mine ever gives out.

Unrelated to the artical, but years ago I bought a Corsair k95 and got a box of them (4x). Gave away 2 of them but I still have one new in box if mine ever gives out.

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