[-] ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 43 minutes ago

Where'd you get that idea? And what made you think Warren would be worse than Trump?

Hiromu having a complete fanboy meltdown when the Lucha Bros announced Mistico as their partner was so awesome.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of R-Money, but at least he was just an out-of-touch rich asshole, and not a straight up narcissistic fascist.

Not sure why Elizabeth Warren would take over or why we'd all be fucked with her as president. Did you somehow confuse Warren with Kamala Harris?

Also not sure how we'd be fucked worse with Harris than with Trump, if that is what you meant. The list of people who'd be worse than Trump is exceedingly short.

Album art would make way more sense as a paid feature than lyrics, considering it's a largely cosmetic improvement.

They're complaining that one of the things the limited free plan takes away is something they were using to accommodate their disability.

I killed my Spotify account when they started shoveling millions of dollars at Joe Rogan, and everything they've done since then only confirms I made the right call.

I could see Hayter taking the TBS title off of Moné at Wembley. That would be huge.

[-] ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Zero Hour

  • Kings of the Black Throne
  • Kris Statlander & Momo Watanabe
  • Los Ingobernables de Japon
  • Mariah May

Main Card

  • The Learning Tree & Jeff Cobb
  • The Elite
  • MJF
  • Bryan Danielson
  • Zack Sabre Jr.
  • Toni Storm
  • Jack Perry
  • Mercedes Mone
  • Tetsuya Naito
  • Swerve Strickland

100% agreed. If he only became a better person because he learned lessons from those who came before him, he still became a better person.

Because everyone knows Covid can't spread at protests.

You know, if you told me 20 years ago that Randy Orton would develop into one of the classiest guys in wrestling, I'd have thought you were insane.


Looks like Dax has a hematoma in his back he's been working through since April, but it's bad enough that he's taking time off now.

Get well soon, Dax.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/squaredcircle@lemmy.zip

Cope apparently fractured his tibia during the cage match with Malakai Black, and will need surgery to repair it. Hope to see him back and healthy soon.


Great news here. That bump was gnarly.

Also, still not calling him Killswitch.


Notes from the Dynasty media call.

Good to see him come out so strong in support of Nyla here. Interesting when he says they'll have to "evaluate" how they handle future events in Oklahoma too.


Kenny better watch out. That's the son of Apollo Creed he's calling out.


This is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. Yeah, we're all going to forget that Vince McMahon was part of WWE.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/squaredcircle@lemmy.zip

TL;DR: There's some concern about Ospreay's condition after the match with Takeshita (rightfully so, some of those head bumps looked nasty), so the Ospreay/Fletcher match that was announced at Revolution may not happen on Dynamite.

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