[-] Infynis@midwest.social 6 points 12 hours ago

In other Global Warming News,

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 12 points 12 hours ago

You can be both down for something, and up for it at the same time

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 4 points 1 day ago

I've been in a committed relationship for almost five years now, so all I can do is pass on my knowledge lol

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 5 points 1 day ago

If someone outside of your match radius matches with you, you actually still will be shown their card, so, if you really want to game the app, you set your radius to .1 or whatever, and then only match with people outside it, because those are guaranteed matches. By doing this, you make your Like to Match ratio skyrocket, which causes Tinder's algorithm to put you at the front of the list, and gets you even more matches

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 5 points 1 day ago

I liked him in Doctor Who! I didn't know who either of them were when I saw their respective episodes, which I think helped. Ed Sheeran's scene was still weird though

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 6 points 1 day ago

The range isn't how far away people can see you, it's how far away you can see other people. Even if you set your range to the minimum, you're still shown to everyone that has a range that includes your location

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 32 points 2 days ago

I know it's not new that our two options are Genocide Denier, and Guy the Agrees there is a Genocide, but wants to Help Genocide Harder, but it hurts every time they bring attention to it

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 6 points 2 days ago

I consider physical books to be merch, so I buy them when I already like the story, or want to support the author specifically. Otherwise, when I want to try a new book, I go to the library

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 30 points 2 days ago

Is it the official French stance to omit the Oxford comma?

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 19 points 3 days ago

I love Mike Truk lmao

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 27 points 3 days ago

Me, in every Teams meeting

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 24 points 3 days ago

His name has TV in it, so I assume he's just completely dedicated his life to making neo-nazi ragebait

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Infynis@midwest.social to c/tenforward@lemmy.world

They're both also green

Yankee traders? (midwest.social)

More Expanse crossovers? Yes please!


It must be hard to eclipse the Equinox


Unfortunately, you can't get real Orion Dulac in Michigan, so this is my take on what Mariner would have served Those Old Scientists

  • 1.5oz White rum (I used Plantation 3 Star)
  • .75oz Cinnamon syrup
  • .75oz Lime juice
  • .5oz Absinthe (I used what they make at my local distillery, American Fifth)
  • .5oz John D. Taylor Velvet Falernum Liqueur
  • 1 barspoon Blue curaçao (for colour)

Shake, and double strain. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, and slowly pour in two barspoon of grenadine so that it sinks to the bottom. This could also be swapped for butterfly pea flower syrup, which is purple. I just wanted the grenadine flavor

You guys are so funny (midwest.social)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Infynis@midwest.social to c/risa@startrek.website

Maybe a little too meta, but I think we could use Dukat for memes specifically meant to express funny, but bad, opinions

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