It is, you know it is. You just don't like the outcome of it because it doesn't fit your narrative. It's ok though, you do you. I'm done unless you answer the question.
Guess that dictator strategy and the whole Project2025 wasn't such a good play after all. Fucking morons.
Answer the question. It's very simple. It's yes, or no.
I was at a grocery store where a guy went into the express 15 items checkout with a full cart (no excuses, it's very clearly marked), he was unloading all his stuff while the person in front was finishing up and then when it was his turn the cashier dead faced stared at him, shut off the light and her register, and walked to the one next to it and started it up. It was amazing.
That's the thing though, I wouldn't go after your wife. I guess I was raised differently. I was raised with "you don't hit women". You come at me, I'm going to fight back. Your wife comes after me, I'm not going to hit her.
The Dementia DonOLD staffer must have felt really strong after pushing her. It's just a shame he gets away with it. If he pushed her, I'm sure he's beat the hell out of his wife and/or ex girlfriends.
Quick question for ya, do you blame gun manufacturers for school shootings?
Why don't you mount those goalposts on a Bugatti, it'll make it easier for you. Until then, you do you.
Nixon was an idiot, so was Sr.
Lol, name the last Republican President that wasn't a moron.
It still blows my mind and saddens me that there are people that would vote for him. He's not going to do a single thing to help them, he's literally everything they complain about and say that the democrats are. I asked my coworker to tell me one thing he's done to help him and one thing he said that wasn't a lie. I was told his taxes were lowered. I said really? You're taxes on your 60k position were lower huh? He fucking raised your taxes man... The response, no Biden did.
I blame the media. Fox "news" should be labeled a terrorist organization.
Where did I say it didn't matter? You need some help with reading comprehension. Go read my comment again.
Some people suck though. Dude would probably catch hell from his wife Karen.