
joined 8 months ago
[–] InternetUser2012 7 points 6 months ago

They're currently brainstorming and waiting for their orders from fox "news". I expect we'll see a bunch of posts here in a few days about how it's all bullshit and blown out of proportion. Watch the names too, they'll all be accounts created a year or so ago and haven't posted for about 7 months.

[–] InternetUser2012 11 points 6 months ago

Thanks to years of cutting and gutting education they've made a base for themselves that can't think for themselves and just follow the orders given to them by fox "news".

[–] InternetUser2012 0 points 6 months ago (9 children)

Gaslighting? I'm not so sure you understand what that means. Why don't you give us all your definition of gaslighting?

[–] InternetUser2012 1 points 6 months ago (4 children)

It's real easy to tell who is a troll/bot though. All you have to do is ask them a few questions, they will respond with a quote, and only answer one. Why do you think they only answer one? Why not answer two or three? What's really weird is no where in this thread was Netanyahu mentioned besides you?

[–] InternetUser2012 5 points 6 months ago

Kia isn't bad, they have a bunch of engines out there that if you stare it long enough it'll kick the rods out, but most of them are covered by the extended warranty. They had dirt from the casting in them and it eats the bearings. The other downside is theft and because of that insurance rates are a bit higher for them.

[–] InternetUser2012 1 points 6 months ago

It's a bot, got banned from from other instances

[–] InternetUser2012 4 points 6 months ago

I switched from PopOs to Nobara, and it worked great but after a while my sound quit and I missed how switching workspaces worked in PopOs. I tried Mint and surprisingly I had a hell of time trying to get gaming working like it did, so I back to PopOs and I have zero complaints. Everything just works. I have a bunch of games that say no on the steam deck but they work great. I've been told the kernal is outdated but honestly, I don't care, everything works. In my household we have 5 pc's. My wifes is the only one left on Windows and she has more issues than me.

[–] InternetUser2012 2 points 6 months ago

Seems like they are concerned that if Dementia DonOLD wins they're going to be put on his hit list. It's a valid concern.

[–] InternetUser2012 4 points 6 months ago

The mental gymnastics are real, careful you don't hurt yourself.

[–] InternetUser2012 14 points 6 months ago

The only plan he has is vengence and selling himself and America to the highest bidder.

[–] InternetUser2012 5 points 6 months ago

"Please, tell me who I am, I forget"

[–] InternetUser2012 13 points 6 months ago

Is it he knows that if he wins Vance can get him removed because of the dementia?

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