They'll just wait for him default then sell it to a corporation or greedy landlord. You can't buy a house because they buy them up.

Maybe because their gun laws are a lot more strict? Kind of proves the point that gun regulation works doesn't it?

Being a republikkklown is a matter of hypocrisy. She showed her values when she got caught giving a handy in a theater.

I'm built for the artic, I run a window a/c at night set at 62 even though we have central air, and I use it in the winter too. I work too hard to be uncomfortable in my home.


Everyday I hope to wake up and find a McHeartattack took his ass.

The problem is, they aren't going anywhere. They'll just funnel money to politicians to stop any attempt to stop them.

I'll work until I'm dead, I'll never be able to retire. Woohoo...

Of course they are, landlords are buying the house for what you would and doubling the mortgage payment as your rent. It should be illegal for people/corporations to rent out more than one single family home.

He's a broke bitch.

I'm not going to judge a human by the vehicle he drives. BUT, if I was to, it does seem the BMW drivers traded in their cars and bought Tesla's.

Elon sucks, but vandalizing someone else's property because of him isn't cool.

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