I haven't been following, but that's actually good to hear, proxmox needs a better ui.

LXD, I suppose for the migration, but for any more complex orchestration I think you've moving to k8s or something more serious, LXD just has an odd "not enough but too much" feature set for me, I like things either push-button, or let me do it, this is kind of both.

[-] InverseParallax@voyager.lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Could not agree more. My only argument in favor of suse is that they've been here since the beginning and never fucked about.

Thats a rare record in any tech game.

But many choices always beats 1, maybe somebody sane should make an enterprise debian, I'm just worried they might somehow manage to kill the golden goose, debian's sanity is critical to linux's viability as a non-bullshit os.

Love kde, but it needs to get that bloat down. Still snappy though.

Raptor and tyrian, 2 great tastes that taste better together.

Used it once or twice then stopped, prefer raw lxc or even just manually creating namespaces if I want control.

Never quite understood the point, the additional polish seemed fairly minimal from a utility pov.

They should take over proxmox or something, give themselves a complete story.

[-] InverseParallax@voyager.lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Its my main workstation and it's pure debian: everything you need, and it just works.

Using an amdgpu and it was probably the easiest install I've ever done. No snap bullshit either, kde came up first go.

Debian is taking the unique approach of "not shooting themselves in the dick by trying to push features everybody hates".

Nouveau works with older cards, performance is still about half last I checked, and most of the advanced features are missing.

Terraria should be fine though, it's a functional driver, just not much more.

Probably both, the drivers are almost the same, just need a kernel flag.

If so that's great for everybody... well almost everybody period, most notebooks have Intel gpus even if they have Optimus too.

The wrong kid died.

If this rhel bs leads to suse taking over dominance, then amen.

It will be nice to have a new enterprise Linux overlord that isn't a massive bag of dicks.

Cloud systems invented this concept called 'declarative environments' basically you describe the software in a container or os and the container orchestrator builds it for you. The same every time, you just give it a recipe.

Nixos is that for desktops.

It takes away a lot of the bullshit, experimentation and breaking of a classic os.

That being said, I always considered that the fun part, so ymmv.

It's like docker for server applications, it takes care of everything for you behind the scenes and just works (ish).

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