[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 3 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

It's almost like that is exactly what KillingTime said two parent comments ago......

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 2 points 13 hours ago

Really? D: That sucks, I use swipe navigation for everything. Not sure if it's classic or not but losing an option is a bummer.

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Yeah, I disliked that when I saw the announcement too. I think the disconnect here is my Android flavour. Since I'm on Samsung, I still have 6 small round buttons at the top (Android 13, OneUI 5.1).

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 45 points 1 day ago

Android worse every year? How? Every update I've received (on a Samsung, mind you) has made my experience better.

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 day ago

I have a bad habit of jumping into programming without a solid plan which results in lots of rewrites and wasted time. Funnily enough, describing to an AI how I want the code to work forces me to lay out a basic plan and get my thoughts in order which helps me make the final product immensely easier.

This doesn't require AI, it just gave me an excuse to do it as a solo actor. I should really do it for more problems because I can wrap my head better thinking in human readable terms rather than thinking about what programming method to use.

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Needs a seperate toggle for users and communities though.

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

For me? Recall. I'm ordering an SSD to dual boot Linux off of and ween myself off Windows as much as I can. Probably can't remove it as long as I want to play games* with friends, but I'd be happy to have my day to day be less awful.

* Before anyone says Proton, Wine, etc, I mean the awful multiplayer rootkits like Valorant.

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 13 points 3 days ago

Oh god, you reminded me. I had a run in with this recently because my parents got new laptops. 1TB hard drive, should be plenty right? NO! My mom had 15GB of files in her home folders and One Drive was whining constantly to pay them for more space.

It was about an hour of debugging to keep the files safe, extract One Drive from the home folder locations because it had dug in like a virus, and then (after 20 online searches and scouring forums) click the specific toggle in the specific menu to disable One Drive so it would use local files.

I paid for a 1TB computer, why are you forcing me to use your shitty online-only limited-space shit show. Fucks sake.

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

It's similar, but not the same. Most Linux distros require you to download a third-party program that people've never heard of. Windows gives you an all-in-one program from their official website, thus it's easy to trust. Arguably Linux's solution is better because you can use that program for multiple purposes. That and I think the trust factor is overblown as the distro will recommend the software and it's not hard to find people vouching for it, so if you trust the distro you may as well trust the program.

[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 6 points 5 days ago

Training users to click on this shit is the same reason people wipe their desktop by ignoring "Yes I know what I am doing" warnings.

submitted 2 weeks ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca

Description from original poster:

Happened a year ago so we’re almost finished with construction.

My car was parked on the right side on the break in the concrete. He was going 45-50 mph and pushed it over 5-10ft of concrete, through a windstorm certified garage door, and into a filled garage.

If my car hadn’t been there he would’ve driven right into one of the front bedrooms.

Had the pictures pop up in my memories and decided to share the crazy experience!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I use the location tracking of Google Maps/Google Timeline constantly for work, and it's exceedingly helpful to know when I was at certain cities, buildings, etcetera. Of course, this means I'm basically signing my soul away to Google. But I can't really find any alternative location tracking apps, even though I would have thought there would be lots available. Are there any good alternatives out there?

The closest I found was Owntracks, but it doesn't work for me for a couple of reasons. Primarily, it doesn't tell me the places I've been, only the latitude/longitude. That isn't helpful. I want to know I was at X or Y convenience store and when my last visit was. Secondly of course, the interface was extremely lacking and I didn't like that it was split across two websites and an app. Why even have a map in the Android app if it doesn't show my location data??

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.ca

Title, basically. I know I have issues, but I couldn't say if it's depression, ADD, or just general problems. Is the only reason to have a diagnosis so you know what to work on, or are there other benefits such as easier access to therapy?

My question is meant specifically for Canada, but feel free to chip in from other countries. :)

submitted 7 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca
submitted 8 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/vocaloid@lemmy.world
submitted 8 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca
submitted 8 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca

Source: u/jaketropila

Location: Los Angeles, California, USA on 16/Oct/2023.

submitted 8 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca

According to the home owner:

We live on a 90* corner intersection with a major street and this guy flew around it at probably 40-50mph. Hit my neighbors car so hard it ended up in their yard facing the other way. Both cars totaled, driver ran off on foot. 11 AM on a Sunday morning.

And the aftermath:

Source: u/ummagumma696969

Location: Texas, USA on 15/Oct/2023.

submitted 8 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca

Source: u/Fcabdallah

Location: Route 62 exit off highway 290 in Illinois, USA on 15/Oct/2023

Tourists, am I right? (streamable.com)
submitted 8 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca


Location: California, USA on 12/Oct/2023

submitted 8 months ago by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/roadcam@lemmy.ca

Source: [u/SmartGuy202]https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/179g5e8/oc_at_67_i_am_acutely_aware_of_big_guy_issues_but/()

Location: Massachusetts, USA on 16/Oct/2023

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by IronKrill@lemmy.ca to c/music@lemmy.world
[-] IronKrill@lemmy.ca 108 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I'll be that guy and say this isn't crappy design and shouldn't be in this community. We've already got posts filling top of all we don't need more where they don't belong.

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