[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Nooooooooooooooo you're getting this wrong, its the flag of ukrainian liberationists who simply wanted ukraine to be free from evil Russia and checks notes jews and poles....

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 5 months ago

where my smegma males at?

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Criterias to join in:


-have committed or currently committing genocide

-not russian

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 7 months ago

"Authoritarianism is when the government is different and the more differenter it is the more authoritarian it is and if its really different, then its totalitarian!"

-Joedolf Bidler the Genocider

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 7 months ago

fascism never went away. Obvious examples are ex-communist states like the Baltics and Ukraine which have been turned into racist banana republics by intense "decommunization" and the revival of pro-nazi rhetoric of the second WW. Ofcourse with the help of their Western allies.

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 7 months ago

maybe not nothing. As a westerner, i think that in most cases you are seen as "second humans" not worthless, not inhuman but you will never have the kind of treatment and class like that of a European in the west.

I feel like the people here pity primarily white Israelis and secondly the Palestinians who are being bombed because they are "more civillized" and the Palestinian civilians dying are unfortunate collateral damage that has to be taken in order to protect "the only democracy in the middle east"

FP-25 (lemmygrad.ml)

There was once a Militant Communist Group in Portugal called the Popular Front of 25 April which made various "terrorist" attacks like bombing police stations and robbing banks and stuff but all i know are western sources which claim them to be terrorists and im not sure what to think about them. Do you guys have any good sources on the FP-25 of Portugal?

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 7 months ago

Its ok, maybe my post seemed a little to much

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 7 months ago

im sorry if i am further spreading this narrative, i didnt mean to. This was supposed to be a shitpost with the whole "begging Xi to bomb us" but it seems to be more serious than that. I apologize

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 7 months ago

Im not atrocitie baiting, this post isnt meant to be taken completly seriously. Yes i am being negative on the current situation in the west and all but when im begging for the chinese president to bomb us im just trying to be humoric. Im sorry if it isnt funny which it probably isnt as much as i hoped for but i can promise you that i am not here to "bait" and to post it on other platforms.

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 7 months ago

"ha you're a communist but dont speak a second language? How hypocrtitical!"

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 7 months ago

Its sad, truly....like influencers desperately trying to get the last drop of attention for their self-interest.

[-] IronicallyInTheWest@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 7 months ago

depends but from what i can say....most of it i guess

this thread was made by the doomer western leftist gang


I hate it here i cant stand it anymore literally almost everyone is an misanthropic orc with some kind of ranking of which kind of people are worth to live and which need to be bombed into civillazition by the "glorious democratic west". You cant even discuss genocide like the one happening in gaza with liberals here because they love their "both sides" so fucking much to the point where when you ask "is genocide bad?" they say to be in the grayzone. The west has no passion, no humanity left. The propaganda is so thick and it is everywhere not only on screens but in the air we breath it has become part of us. 90perent of the people here dont care about the genocide happening in Gaza or openly support it...the 10 percent are mostly immigrants and some westerners who have achieved to escape this dystopian propaganda campaign. Somebody needs to bomb this place. There is no way around it, we western leftists dont have and will not have enough popular support for our own revolutions. Please president Xi Jinping, export the evolution and bomb us, i dont even care about dying...i will simply wrap myself in my USSR flag and peacefully explode to pieces knowing that what comes after cannot be worse than what we had before and that the people are finally truly free, not only my but the people of the entire world.

Dear Xi Jinping, bomb the west, we need it, we deserve it and it would do a favor to the entire world honestly.

thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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