[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 14 points 1 day ago

If you’re expecting to have a 25 year old physic at 50 you’re in for a lot of depression long before you reach 50.

Meanwhile, Ernie Hudson at 78 years old.

[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 5 points 3 days ago

Do you really want to work for a company that allows their HR department to abuse AI as a tool?

[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 65 points 6 days ago

maintaining a property

Your mistake is in framing "owning a property" as "maintaining a property".

I sure as hell can’t keep up with my own home, let alone another.

This is exactly the problem. Many people will rent out their building, and not be up to the task to keep it habitable.

[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 103 points 4 months ago

More like:

Drivers: I am the main character. All else are mere obstacles for me getting to my destination.

[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 82 points 5 months ago

I think you mean:

"the quality and expediency of healthcare ... in America."

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Isoprenoid@programming.dev to c/books@lemmy.world

I just finished listening to Iron War by Matt Fitzgerald. I loved the descriptions of the history of the event, the history of each of the racers, and their future after the race. It helped me feel amped for my own exercise sessions. Are there other books like this?

Excluding Matt Fitzgerald's other books, of course.

[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 105 points 5 months ago

OP: "Hey, guys! Here are some objects that hack the nature of reality."

Posters: *Uses them to further hack the nature of reality, just in other ways*


[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 185 points 6 months ago

Once again, ad blockers prove to be a great security measure.

[-] Isoprenoid@programming.dev 121 points 7 months ago

His argument is:

  1. A lot of people were using poor adblockers.
  2. Youtube can block the bad ones but struggles with the good ones.
  3. People switch to the better adblockers (some of which require a subscription)

Maria Nattestad just dropped a new introduction to the field of bioinformatics.

Foundation skills for bioinformatics:

  • Python
  • Use the Command Line (e.g. Bash, scripts)
  • Statistics - p-values, multiple hypothesis tests
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Isoprenoid@programming.dev to c/bioinformatics@programming.dev

I've used Rosalind in the past to learn about bioinformatics. I solved about 17 of the problems, which is about 6% of the problems on the site.

I think it gave a decent mix of guided learning and letting you figure things out on your own. I would say having some background knowledge in biology and coding would be necessary. It doesn't do a lot of hand holding, but there is some.

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