[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Sure but I mean I think I'd lose my mind a bit if my wife and kid were killed in a car accident, too

[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

A reddit comment from the man himself goes into the finer details of his thinking with cyberpsychosis and it really isn't as simple as "get chromed, go crazy" and he delves into the socio-psycho reasonings behind the phenomenon: he presents a more nuanced ideal than most people engaging with the concept will allow either because it's a game with rules, or an anime with plot contrivance (cyberpsycho serum meds)

Oh and he says it isn't AI net demons lol

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Ryan Grim and co are such clowns, what is it about yanks that lead them to such defeatist attitudes.

Palestinians can advocate for themselves how they protest their genocide.

Edit: link to post

[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 69 points 2 weeks ago

Trying desperately to come up with a "Biden was holding them back!" Joke but I'm dried up, god Fedvans sucks so much lol

[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 57 points 1 month ago

They went and put ERA on an Abrams, the Warthunder memes are real

[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 46 points 1 month ago

Thread claims RU POV

Blue tape, Nazi Ukraine Trident patch on soldier


[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 32 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Neat thread made by a couple cool re-renactors goin to Dien Bien Phu and meeting all sorts of veterans of the war

Pretty wild how much it seems they preserved of the place, if they kept whole bunkers intact.

[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 36 points 2 months ago

The most baffling thing I think about this is how much they're putting up with being straight told to kick dirt by these fuckin worms. You'd think western leadership would tire of being told to eat shit at the behest of these monsters

[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 41 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

WayneradioTV and crew are currently hosting a Free Palestine fundraiser stream and they've already gotten $8k since starting like an hour ago.

Good to see the heads behind one of the funniest clips on the internet are cool. (full Fax stream video here )

[-] ItsPequod@hexbear.net 64 points 3 months ago

In kkkanada news NDP motion on Palestinian statehood passes after major amendments

The Liberals completely gutted the motion so it has no teeth and basically doesn't amount to anything. Thanks Jaghmeet.

submitted 3 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net

Been a while since I've seen a skate video capture the classic skate video vibes, fuckin gnarly runs this guy makes

submitted 3 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net
submitted 4 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net


[YTP] banjo (youtu.be)
submitted 5 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net
submitted 7 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

WoolieVs takin a bullet and trying to make some interactive content out of a book

submitted 8 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

Why must queer women just be so much more fascinating than more hetero women

submitted 9 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net
submitted 9 months ago by ItsPequod@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net
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