[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I'm going to disagree with you as someone with ADHD who is in therapy and does not take meds

I think it's a very dangerous thing for you to compare meds with therapy because quite honestly therapy takes years for mental unraveling for you to just come to the conclusion that maybe you need to start applying yourself a little better

ADHD with mental health shortcomings can exacerbate the daily task into it a very arduous process.

While I understand the point of what you are saying and yes it does require some application in order to get the ball rolling, it's more than just getting up off your ass. It's unraveling the ego , and why you are there in the first place

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 7 points 8 months ago

He's to commandeer the hotel for the working class

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 6 points 8 months ago
[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 7 points 8 months ago

Thank you, comrade

I'm trying to find the ways to channel that anger and distraught

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 6 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

CW: self harm, addiction, SA . . . . .

Ok I'm going to tell you what not to do based on my huge errors

I was dumped by my ex of 6 years on our anniversary and she ran off with someone else. I deserved it, I was an excessive alcoholic coke dealing addict.

Now when I was dumped I knew it was well deserved given what I mentioned. And well I went on a bender, i got black out drunk constantly including blowing massive amounts of coke, real Scarface moment. And well eventually that same week, i was roofied and sexually assaulted by a white woman.

I was going to off myself after that, by driving off a cliff. but I called a suicide hotline and was referred to therapy which I'm still doing today. That was 2018. I was 27 then.

I've recovered a lot, I quit coke later that year, gave up that hustle. And today I've turned most of my life around, I quit drinking alcohol last year.

If I could do it again I would tell myself to sit and process with the emotions of that bombshell that being dumped was... Unfortunately I ran to places to numb myself more and got very hurt. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted, but it's something I had to really process, because if I had handled things better I wouldn't have gone to a bar... I would have gone straight to therapy. So if you have the means I highly recommend it. I'm 31 now, live on my own and do my best to constantly work on myself mentally, if it wasn't for therapy I would have never been aware of my ADHD diagnosis a year into the therapy sessions.

If you need advice I know what it's like to go through this stuff at our age, my DMs are open for you.

I believe in soul mates I'm a spiritual person, but each day you hang in there I promise you get stronger just don't dive into any hedonistic &/or escapist behavior. Trust me

Edit: Working out is also I started doing immediately, it helps clear the mind.

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 6 points 8 months ago

Sorry, I didn't know the difference

That's probably what it is, just gonna wait for the next update

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 6 points 8 months ago

This breaks my heart

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 6 points 8 months ago

I had a back injury lower back sciatica and minor disc herniations, working out has alleviated it a lot but if I stop it starts to strain up.

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 7 points 8 months ago

Years of therapy have helped me a lot. I've turned any meds recommended by choice but the unraveling process has helped a lot.

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 6 points 8 months ago

Same Ive been recommended it in the past I always turn it down

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 7 points 8 months ago

Holy shit thank you from someone with ADHD (I don't take meds by choice)

[-] JK1348@hexbear.net 8 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Ok I'm 30, I've been here before, you can't help any movements or orgs at your best potential unless you get your mind right, comrade.

I've been in your position, let's start with some healthy fundamental routine building. Start with working out (if you're able physically) whenever you want, morning or night. You don't have to start with anything crazy, hydrate, stretch, do this: 10 push ups 10 arm leg raises 10 leg lifts 10 crunches 10 burpees (if you can start with 5 if too heavy) Then go run a mile (when you get better at this you can add more than a mile). I recommend this because you don't need a gym, so there's no excuse just do it in your backyard and run out for a run in your community, you don't need to drive anywhere.

This will help clear your mind and raise some inner motivation.

Now I don't know what country or region you're in but if you have access to an education (state funded) start considering something that could interest you to study in academically. If academics aren't for you maybe something you can be trained or certified to do ( an EMT or lifeguard, these are just examples). Don't feel overwhelmed by this I'm not asking you to figure out your career or something you wanna do for life, just something you can apply yourself healthily.

Again don't know where you live but if you have health insurance or access to any program for therapy I highly recommend that as well.

I rarely cook myself but do your best to make healthier choices with your meals. If you have access to food stamps program in your region apply for it.

Don't feel bad this is just the inner work needed to make a positive change in your life. Self care isn't all about spoiling yourself, that is a capitalist myth to promote consumerism. Self care is the act of inner work, to set your mind right. Self awareness is key but it is not the hand that turns the key lock, opens the door, and shuts it's behind us.

If you want a recommendation to read, I highly suggest Autobiography of Pablo Neruda, I am reading it in Spanish but you can find it in English. It is about the Chilean Poet, Pablo Neruda who was a beautiful writer and a socialist who has a very interesting journey of life.

If there's anyway I can help to advise you feel free to PM comrade, sometimes we all just need a Mr Rogers presence.

Coming from someone who self manages ADHD without meds (by choice ),I am constantly in mental inner turmoil 🙃

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