[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

friendly reminder that the game developer himself said this game 'needed no female players'" and claimed "some things are made only for men"

I anticipate this game dying in a hot fire.

Article for reference. Unfortunately all the original source (twitter posts and whatnot) seem to have been deleted.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

Jordan Klepper makes a habit of angering MAGA supporters. The Daily Show correspondent, known for going into the field and asking Donald Trump’s diehard supporters hard questions and creating comedy out of their responses, shared how he pulls it out without getting his “ass kicked” by the crowd, some of whom are known for easily resorting to violence.

In a sit down with Jon Stewart at a recent FYC event for Emmy voters, Klepper said that being a “white guy” is a big help—but he has even more protection than that.

“Being a correspondent is one of the most difficult things you can do because you have to be versed in so many different things,” Stewart said, kicking off the discussion. “You can take on these certain characters that you play, usually the high status idiot or one of those types of things, or you go out in the field and you do improv scenes with people that don’t realize they’re in an improv scene.”

Klepper interjects with an important distinction: “Armed—armed people who don’t realize,” he added, before sharing his secret to keeping ass free from kicking, as asked by moderator Matt Belloni. “Well, I have a couple things. One, I’m a white guy at a Trump rally. It helps.” On top of that, he added, “I’m a tall white guy.”

An even bigger help though? He said he has ”four security guards” when he’s out interviewing MAGA supporters, which he admitted “is wild.”

“I will say when we started doing this, going out in the field, you didn’t need a security guard because you were an improv teacher a week and a half ago,” he joked, “so the idea that somebody would want to kill you or murder you seemed asinine. And yet—here we are, walking into spaces to talk about politics with four armed guards, but that’s what comedy wants in 2024.”

Klepper recently pow-wowed with MAGA immediately following both Trump and Hunter Biden’s guilty verdicts, where one loyal supporter said she’d donated thousands of dollars to Trump every time Trump he was found responsible for a crime. That same supporter said that she supported the ex-president because we “need to save our country from the border surge.”

He then asked innocently whether she was “sick and tired of [her] money going to people who committed crimes,” as she responded, “That’s right”—a shining example of how Klepper’s able to combine his improv and correspondent skills to prove a point without inciting the mob.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 9 points 4 days ago

Because most of them aspire to be one of the folks that collects the green segments from others. Even though they never will.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 36 points 4 days ago

The AG responsible for this said almost literally that, in the article.

Now Oklahomans can be assured that our tax dollars will not fund the teachings of Sharia Law or even Satanism.

I'll still take it, though.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 67 points 5 days ago

Yet another proof that I stumbled into the best instance from the beginning.

submitted 2 months ago by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/dadjokes@lemmy.world


[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 213 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So, wait, Mocrosoft is finally giving us a way to fully-disable automatic Windows Updates?


Hexbear? (lemm.ee)
submitted 4 months ago by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/meta@lemm.ee

So, I thought Hexbear defederated from us a little while back, and we, in turn, defederated from them. Why do I keep seeing occasional (new) Hexbear posts in the "All" feed, lately? Did the defederation get reversed? Is it somehow a bug?


The site name's a play on "The Onion" so it's gotta be satire, right? I couldn't find an about page to confirm.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 109 points 5 months ago

Honestly, I was wondering the same thing.

submitted 5 months ago by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/dungeonmeshi@ani.social

After watching the first couple of episodes, my wife and I were considering having our 8-year-old watch it with us. Then I noticed the TV-MA rating.

Not looking for spoilers, but like, is the show gonna take a bit of a turn, eventually? There hasn't been anything CLOSE to TV-M-worth thus far, in my mind.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 95 points 7 months ago

I like TypeScript less for its ability to categorize my grocery list and more for its ability to stop anyone from putting cyanide on it.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/memes@lemmy.ml

So the "fails to complete a cycle without erroring out" rate finally seems to have reached 100%, on the Samsung dishwasher that came with the house.

What do I need to know when picking a new one, and/or what models do y'all recommend?

I'll take recommendations about how to fix the current one too, I guess, but I already got advice from an appliance repair man, who basically said "it would need a new control board, I.E. ditch it." The error code it's giving is supposedly about insufficient water or water flow, but the water feed is completely fine, as far as I can tell.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 87 points 10 months ago

"This is disappointing, how is possible that a driver makes much more than average Engineer in R&D?"

Because the engineer is being exploited and refuses to unionize.

"To get a base salary of $170k you know you need to work hard as an Engineer, this sucks."

Bitch, UPS workers work harder than I ever did as an electronics engineer.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

I.E. the list of my own posts in my profile is always empty, by definition, unless I go manually change the setting before viewing it, and then change it back when I'm done.

Would this be a Jerboa issue, or a general Lemmy issue?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/music@beehaw.org

Felt like I had to share this after catching it on Twitch last week.

And no, this is not my YouTube channel.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 85 points 11 months ago

Man won an emmy for ringing a bell. Respect on him for even ACCEPTING a role like that. What did the audition look like?

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 105 points 11 months ago

Archer was also asked if then-Vice President Biden regularly "checked in on his son, who's admitted he's had issues with drugs."

"Every day," Archer replied. But asked whether he had ever heard them discuss the "substance of Hunter Biden's business," he responded, "No."

He asked Archer, "Is it fair to say that Hunter Biden was selling the illusion of access to his father?"

Archer replied, "Yes."

Glad to have confirmation of the nothingburger, I guess.

[-] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 108 points 11 months ago

The wall of fucking spez is finmy, but I find it FAR funnier to see how something that was one of reddit's most popular things ever just a few months ago is NOTICABLY less popular. All of the biggest communities that were represented on the drawing earlier this year are nowhere to be seen. All that's left this time around is just random disconnected drawings and massive flags. The soul is gone.

So yeah, stop fucking spamming the canvas and just let it be empty and soulless. It sends a bigger message.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/memes@lemmy.ml

Side note: apparently I can't change or get rid of the alt text inside the image?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by JakenVeina@lemm.ee to c/chess@lemmy.ml

My son asked me how to castle on chess.com the other day, and I found that I couldn't do it the way I normally do. Picking up the king and trying to move it to c1 just caused it to move to d1 instead, every time. I tried walking backwards and redoing a few different moves before this, and that all worked, but it just refused to let me castle by moving the king. Neither the king nor the rook had moved yet, and there was no potential or existing check involved, so what gives? Is there some other rule I'm just not aware of?

Sorry I didn't get a shot of the board as well, I thought I had but I can't find it on my phone now.

Edit: Missed the bishop. Option 2 it is, then.

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