[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 9 points 2 months ago

7 euros for 20gb of data? I'm paying close to $30 a month for 1 gig and if I cross that the bill shoots up to $40 Fucking American Capitalism.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

The yellow cat is ready to kill. The tuxedo cat forgot who you are and is trying his hardest to remember.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

D4, Starfield, Cities Skylines 2, and Mortal Combat 1. D4 and Starfield are self explanatory. CS2 is my biggest disappointment in years. Paradox killed whatever good will it had left by forcing the demise of CO. Under no circumstances should CS2 released this year. There's no mods. It doesn't function in any meaningful way. It's a performance nightmare. CS1 danced on the grave of SimCity and committed all the same sins a decade later. Don't listen to anybody that says the game has potential. They're sitting on 2000+ assets they can't release because they can't import buildings into their own city building game post release. That's how bad it is. Cities Skylines 2 was dead on arrival and it took the community 4 months to realize it.

MC1 isn't worthy of the K. It's just a slog. I don't know how much they fixed it but that doesn't break the fact that cameos are a major turnoff. Or that it has the worse progression system of recent MK games. Or that it's sitting on potentially one of the biggest rosters MK ever had but culled itself in half by reserving half the characters for cameos. Tekken 8 and SF6 have lapped MK hard this generation. Hell even Strive and DBFZ have taken steps to stay more relevant than MK1.

And you know what the kicker is? I bought all these games at the same time. I've been playing the clip of Totalbicsuit singing we don't pre-order games a lot lately.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 11 points 6 months ago

Wargaming. It's given me a social life. I've developed new skills like painting. It has side hobbies like 3d printing. Hopefully I can make it a career too. I've always dabbled with 3d software like Blender. Three months ago I took the leap to learning 3d sculpting with the plan to release my own designs for miniatures. I really wanna make my own Dark Elves for The Old World.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

The way they decided to dice up the source material for GoT even before they ran out of books was the most jarring thing about reading that series. George gave them a meticulously detailed account of things and they tweaked it a lot. At least that series was grounded in historical fantasy. So there was rules that needed to be followed and George was there to guide them. If GRRM wasnt there from the start they could have gone off the rails from the beginning.

The Three Body Problem is way more abstract idea wise and extremely dry in terms of character interaction. And is Liu gonna be able to help them to steer the ship the same way GRRM did? I don't think so. Right off the bat these guys are being left to their own devices for a lot of this story. I read an interview where they mentioned changing the story to fit a wider audience. And looking at the two trailers, I already noticed major changes that just don't make sense. Skepticism is gonna be at an all time high for me.

I watched and loved GoT just as much as anybody. I read the books and quickly figured out why they took precedent over the show, even for the good years. I've already read Three Body Problem. On my first read through I thought this was the greatest scifi trilogy ever written. I'm not ready for someone to come and make a shitty TV adaptation of it. Especially those two.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 8 points 9 months ago

I really hope this movie is good. We need original IPs like this to succeed.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 21 points 9 months ago

Hypothetically speaking: if I could afford a pizza what toppings would you want on it?

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

The Three Body Problem - Humans and aliens engage in a technological arms race for survival. There are times where the humans are a weaker feeble species, but there are also times where humans one up the aliens in ways they couldn't have forseen. It's a great back and forth that puts humanity on a path for stellar exploration and survival all in one moment.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 11 points 10 months ago

My dad changed his shirt because he got wet and I saw him walking outside with another shirt on without knowing about the first one. I thought he was a clone for half a day until he asked me what's wrong. That was a good laugh for him.


Divinity Original Sin 2 if you don't know the acronym.

My biggest problem with DOS2 is that it each battle felt a little too punishing and always ended up needed cheesing. I never got off the first island. At level 5 I thought I was soft locked out of progressing because my build choices couldn't get through a battle. Every fight felt like the whole kitchen sink is thrown at me and I don't have the tools necessary to survive any of it. As hard as I tried to like the game I ended up giving up on it.

My biggest blocks were Radeka and Gareth. Radeka I cheese off to the side but ended up getting chewed apart by the zombies and spit to death by the beetles. Trying to save Gareth is just futile as it's too many men who can whittle me down to one party member in a matter of a few turns while I struggle to do anything. Don't even get me started on the ambush battle that just wipes the floor with me by turn 4. I even went back to Fort Joy and finished off some battles that I left there. I really felt like I needed to kill every last NPC on the island to gain any progression in that game though. The sad part is, I like a challenge. But try after try after try after try after try of the same battle over and over again made the game go from a challenge to it's just cheap. So I gave up.

Is the combat on that same level in BG3?

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

Scene kids was a period after goths and before hipsters. It peaked before Myspace was taken over by Facebook. So like 2007-2009. By the time most of them moved on to college, hipsters became a thing and a lot of them grew into that or conformed in some way.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

Same. Even as a metalhead adjacent to them, they were still a strange breed of kids. They were harmless though. I couldn't stand the kids that shit on them for entertainment.

It's kinda weird and heartwarming to be 30 something and see that style making a comeback. I hope they live as weird a life as we did back then.

[-] JakoJakoJako13@lemmy.world 12 points 11 months ago

That's way too hard for this country.

ROADS VIDEO IS HERE! (www.youtube.com)

I said it when SC5 was released and I'll say it here. I've been laying pipe for 25 years and I'll be damned if they take that from my cold dead mouse and keyboard. But alas, water, electricity, and poop pipes are now apart of the road system.


Hot plate went and I tried replacing the thermistor. Then I moved on to replacing the power cables but I think I fucked up and ruined the bed. This solder is not coming up. I don't even want to remove it all I just want to get the copper cable that's underneath it. Am I screwed. Does anybody know where to get anog Sovol SV01 hot plate?

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