[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 1 points 4 minutes ago

The wood paneling/shielding and old-style canon are almost quaint enough to make me not see the prototype for WW1 that this is. Ominous.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 3 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

"With respect to content that is already on the open web, the social contract of that content since the 90s has been that it is fair use. Anyone can copy it, recreate with it, reproduce with it. That has been freeware, if you like. That's been the understanding," said Suleyman.

Ugh. Social contract, free use, freeware - those all mean very different things. I don't think the head of a department like that should be blabbing to the public if they're going to mix up terms like that. Do they not have PR and legal departments that are versed in anything beyond Microsoft's historical business methods (lie, steal, and fearmonger about open source)?

Not to mention that in some places, you cannot give up the IP rights over code you write.

Not to mention "fair use" is primarily for artistic endeavors.

Not to mention "freeware" is for programs, not written word blog posts or images.


[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 16 points 3 hours ago

The French political system, casually referred to as the “Republic of Friends,”

Where does the author get this? I'm French and have never heard of our system called as such - especially not by a French person.



I will be holding the fifteenth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time we began chapter 7 (Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules), and read up through section 7.3 (Paths for Referring to an item in the Module Tree). This time we will start at section 7.4 (Bringing Paths Into Scope with the use Keyword).

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/8006138


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-07-01). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will be locally recorded, and uploaded afterwards to youtube (for now as well).

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup, cargo, and clippy)
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 2 points 3 days ago

Bit of both, I suppose. Along with my own experience trying to deal with prototypes in JavaScript and how Python handles methods vs "bare" functions internally in terms of v-tables and "where" things exist in memory.

I imagine the fact that both of those are interpreted languages plays somewhat heavily into it.

With regards to being able to write MyStruct::my_method(&my_var), it's the one-two punch of "I can use that specific syntax to differentiate between 'inherited' methods that have the same name" and that the compiler doesn't treat .method() calls any differently and just rewrites them as such when doing it's job.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 7 points 5 days ago

Lol. What, are we going to be installing Candy Crush on our robots? Expecting to be able to project recurring revenue from a humanoid robot based on smartphone numbers is a new kind of ignorance.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 10 points 5 days ago

An important part of that process that needs mentioning is that when the mothers are convinced by Nestle to feed their babies formula instead of their breast milk, their bodies will stop producing the milk before the baby is weaned from it.

So Nestle literally endangers babies' lives just to sell more baby formula.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I’m sure there are a bunch of patterns that emerge out of this (anyone with some wisdom here?) …

The classical one is something that looks like the following:

struct LoggedOut;
struct User {name: String};
struct Admin {name: String};

impl LoggedOut {
  fn login(self, name: String, password: String) -> User {
    User { name }
  fn admin_login(self, name: String) -> Admin {
    Admin { name }

impl User {
  fn log_out(self) -> LoggedOut {
    LoggedOut {}

impl Admin {
  fn log_out(self) -> LoggedOut {
    LoggedOut {}

fn fetch_user_preferences(user: User) { /*...*/ }

fn do_admin_action(admin_account: Admin) { /* ... */ }

fn main() {
  let mut user_session = LoggedOut {};
  /* (get user input) */
  match input {
    "login" => {
        user_session = user_session.login(name, password);
    "admin" => {
       user_session = user_session.admin_login(name);

This would prevent you from writing code that uses the user's info / session "object" after they have logged out (and/or before they have logged in). On its own it's naive and a bit encumbering - I expect an enum would make more sense but then you can't restrict via types which user session values can and can't be passed to specific functions. In any case, when you are building a whole system around it it can be very useful to have the compiler enforcing these sorts of things "in the background".

This is basically what Gary Bernhardt is talking about in the talk you linked.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 2 points 6 days ago

I want to highlight one of the more subtle-yet-important clarifications made in these 2 chapters: associated functions vs methods, and how method calls are just syntactic sugar for function calls.

Unlike in many other languages, there is no formal distinction (e.g. via separate keywords) between methods vs constructors vs property getters. The first parameter as well as the return type determine if a given associated function is "actually" a constructor or a method (etc.).

Personally, I find this incredibly elegant; it's a form of "less is more" that gets out of my way when I'm coding while still allowing me to use all of the existing patterns that I know from elsewhere.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 3 points 6 days ago

We read from the intro to chapter 7 all the way through section 7.3 (Paths for Referring to an item in the Module Tree).

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I will be holding the fourteenth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time we completed chapter 6 (enums & pattern matching). This time we will begin chapter 7 (Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules).

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/7773753


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on this day (2023-06-24). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

Here's the recording: https://youtu.be/pUqVmPRLhNE

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/17090253

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/17090149

Hi! I've created a CLI tool for downloading Rust web books (like The Rust Programming Language) as EPUB, so that you can easily read them on your e-book reader. The tool is heavily based on this gist and a lot of proompting.

Check it out here: https://github.com/mawkler/rust-book-to-epub

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I will be holding the thirteenth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time we started chapter 6 (enums & pattern matching). We read through 6.1 and learned how to define enum variants in tuple or struct form. We also learned about the Option<T> enum that Rust provides us with. This time we'll begin section 6.2 and learn about the match control flow construct.

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/7532130


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-06-17). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

EDIT: here's the recording https://youtu.be/W1fjxCwtwfM

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I will be holding the twelfth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time we wrapped up chapter 5 (structs). This session we'll be learning about enums by starting chapter 6.

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/7413233


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-06-10). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

EDIT: here's the recording https://youtu.be/eRMxhaJIOAg

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml

Stable internet connection re-acquired! To avoid waiting another full week, I'll be hosting the session today (approximately 6-7 hours after this post is created).


I will be holding the eleventh of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time, the book guided us through An Example Program Using Structs (section 2 of chapter 5). Today we'll be tackling the following section, "The Method Syntax" (5.3).

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/6871662


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Tuesday (2023-06-04). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day ~~and day-of-week~~ as that one was. Exceptionally, today is not the same day-of-week as previously.

Recording of the session: https://youtu.be/wBYdDbADFLU

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

submitted 1 month ago by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/forumlibre@jlai.lu

Comme l'indique le titre, je recherche une BD francophone dont la trame principale est l'invasion d'une ville par une plante qui pousse à une vitesse foudroyante. Il y a des fortes chances que la ville soit Paris, mais il se peut que ça soit une autre ville.

Autres détails dont je me souviens:

  • la plante en question ressemble surtout à des vignes ou lianes vertes (pas d'ecorce, pas de brun)
  • vers la fin on apprend que c'est une botaniste qui est à l'origine de la plante :
    • grosso merdo elle explique que la plante crèvera toute seule au bout de 2-3 jours en se désintégrant,
    • que les baies de cette plante sont comestibles par les éventuelles personnes coincées par les lianes,
    • et que le tout est censé être un acte radical de sensibilisation écologique infligé de force au reste du monde en mode "rappelez-vous que c'est la nature qui domine, pas l'Homme"

Ce dont je suis à moitié certain :

  • cette botaniste est la mère du protagoniste, un jeune garçon ado
  • la BD est parue dans les numéros d'une revue de jeunesse dans les années 200X/201X - type astrapi, okapi, j'ai lu, ou peut-être encore sciences et vie junior

Je l'ai lue en tant que gamin à sa sortie, et ça m'avait bien marqué. Il n'y a que récemment que je me suis rendu compte que c'était une belle pièce de propagande écoterroriste!

Du coup j'aimerai essayer de la relire, en l'analysant explicitement en tant que tel 😈


Sorry y'all, I don't have access to a decent internet connection for the time being.

Open Source for Climate Podcast (ossforclimate.sustainoss.org)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/permacomputing@slrpnk.net

Seems relevant to this community (albeit I haven't listened to the podcast yet).

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15928804

We are excited to announce the launch of a new podcast showcasing the transformative power of “Open Source for Climate” and the people and stories behind it. The open source movement is the key to bringing trusted knowledge, technology and collective action.

Post-listen edit: a bit short and underwhelming. Then again, it seems to be more of an intro/announcement than a first "proper" episode. Hopefully the next one will be more fleshed out.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 46 points 1 month ago

Kinda disappointing.

The article is really trying to sell us, the reader, that using Linux without knowing how to use the command line is not only possible but totally feasible. Unfortunately, after each paragraph that expresses that sentiment we are treated to up to several paragraphs on how it's totally easier, faster, and more powerful to do things via thé command line, and hey did you know that more people like coding on Linux than windows? Did you know you can do more powerful things with bash, awk, and sed than you ever could in a file manager?!

FFS vim and nano are brought up and vim's "shortcuts" are praised... in an article on how you can totally use Linux through a gui and never need to open up the command line.

Who is this written for? outside of people who not only already use Linux but are convinced that using any other OS is both a moral failing and a form of self-harm?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I will be holding the tenth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

Last time we covered defining and instantiating structs with section 1 of chapter 5, "Using Structs to Structure Related Data". We'll be continuing with section 2, where we'll be writing some code!

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/6703544


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-05-20). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

EDIT: here's the recording https://youtu.be/s0U7KBXxL8g

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the book, both reading aloud the literal text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml

Ownership is finally over! Ok, I know we're going to be seeing more of it throughout the rest of the book, but at least it should always be in the context of "doing" something else/useful. For example, grouping bits of related data into structs.


I will be holding the ninth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

This week we begin chapter 5 "Using Structs to Structure Related Data"!

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/6557213


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-05-13). If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

Edit: here's the link to the recording https://youtu.be/h4l5Ksd5w7E

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the chapter, both reading aloud the literal chapter text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

[-] Jayjader@jlai.lu 45 points 1 month ago

There was a big storm around 2009 in the south west of France (where there are a lot of pine tree plantations); an entire generation of trees ended up looking like this.

Basically, strong continuous winds flatten very young trees without killing them. They then keep growing, with a permanent kink in trunk, near the base such as these. Not great for sawing into planks, but they work just fine to make paper and agglomerate.

It's incredible how resilient trees are!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Jayjader@jlai.lu to c/learningrustandlemmy@lemmy.ml


I will be holding the eighth of the secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on "The Book" ("The Rust Programming Language"). We are using the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).

This week we finish chapter 4: "Understanding Ownership" by reading through the "Ownership Recap (4.5).

Previous session details and recording can be found in the following lemmy post: https://jlai.lu/post/6353244


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club's streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

(also, obviously, to follow up on the previous session)

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+2 (aka 6pm Central European Time) on Monday (2023-05-06). That's around 4 hours after this post is created. If you were present for a previous session, then basically the same time-of-day and day-of-week as that one was.

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can't make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can't myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

The basic format is: I will be sharing my computer screen and voice through an internet live stream (hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader for now). The stream will simultaneously be recorded locally and uploaded afterwards to youtube (also, for now).

EDIT: here's the recording: https://youtu.be/3w7m5GM7eV8

I will have on-screen:

  • the BU online version of The Book
  • a terminal session with the necessary tooling installed (notably rustup and through it cargo & "friends")
  • some form of visual aid (currently a digital whiteboard using www.excalidraw.com)
  • the live stream's chat

I will steadily progress through the chapter, both reading aloud the literal chapter text and commenting occasionally on it. I will also perform any code writing and/or terminal commands as the text instructs us to.

People who either tune in to the live stream or watch/listen to the recording are encouraged to follow along with their own copy of the book.

I try to address any comments from live viewers in the twitch chat as soon as I am aware of them. If someone is having trouble understanding something, I will stop and try to help them get past it.

Who ?

You! (if you're interested). And, of course, me.

view more: next ›


joined 6 months ago