If they actually want a cease fire, it is to regroup, and reorganize their military, for another attempt, with a build-up based on what they learned from this war. They may also try putting another puppet in during the down time too. Putin, and the oligarchs, largely want to restore their empirical status, and power.
I have been aware of that area of Homestead for decades, and it has slowly been getting a lot better since the 80s/early 90s. The area it is in is the gentrified part that has been steadily getting more wealth, and less QOL issues, for decades now. It is on 9th right between west and amity, just up from the waterfront.
If this apartment building is what you consider slums, you must be super rich.
With fascism the enemy is always simultaneously strong, and controlling everything, and also weak, and sure to fall to us.
correct, a lot of "traditional" methods people think are possibly ancient, are like 150 years old. Some areas are culturally diverse to the point where they are basically a completely different culture, in comparison.
Yeah, Italian chef friend of mine once said that you use garlic, or onions, rarely both, in authentic italian food. Unless you are from one of the many places where they always use both.
He seems to go between implying the original empire, and the USSR, however, the last one I saw was an address to a russian program to support young entrepreneurs, where he spends part of his speech discussing the expansion russia. He then tells the story of how peter the great annexed part of sweden. He claimed this wasn't an invasion of sweden because, at one time, russia claimed that land, so it was merely restoration. It is stuff like this he has been doing. You can find him bringing up this sort of thing in public addresses of all sorts, where he just slips in how making whatever about russia better by restoring the empire, and using these types of stories to justify it.
Yay free america, where can't protest, or criticize, their largest political donors. Party of free speech indeed. When they decided money was a form of free speech it became the only free speech. Gotta cut out the pesky competition to their profit motives.
Yes, yes, get NATO out of the way so China can form a military "defense" pact with other countries to protect it's interests in the power vacuum
Oh, wait, these are the same people who believe one country invading, and annexing territory from, another isn't imperialism, it is self defense because the west, even when the leader has been publicly discussing reclaiming their empire for decades now. These are the people who ignore how some countries have been claiming ownership of seas, and harassing the independent countries within them, because that is also just self defense, because the west. It can't possibly be them exercising expansionist desires, while claiming it is defense, you know, like how some other countries, of a certain defense pact, do. They certainly won't go full steam ahead once NATO is no longer in these areas, constraining them.
yeah suspiciously leaving out crippling poland, in some way, here. seems a little poland bottish to me
This isn't just the NYPD either. This is a problem across the whole country. I mean, fuck, multiple police forces have been shown to have operated CIA-esque "black sites". Eric Adam's is an authoritarian, corrupt, piece of shit, but this is business as usual for a lot of the country.