[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago

So "there were lots of anime which did have official English names," so you didn't "come from an era before widespread official anime translations."

Therefore, bullshit.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 9 points 5 months ago

Since these characters were introduced people have said what you're saying over and over. Always with the same "I don't have a problem with gay/trans/NB but..." disclaimer. Then they refuse to give examples of the characters doing anything other than existing. This thread is a good example. Please refresh my memory. Which episode(s) focus "on the social issues that surround homosexuality."

Outside of the scene where Adira tells Stamets their pronouns and the use of those pronouns, give me one line, in one scene, in one episode, of one season that would have to be changed if Adira was a cis straight human woman hosting the symbiote of her deceased cis straight Trill boyfriend.

Give me one line, in one scene, in one episode, of one season that would have to be changed if either Stamets or Culber was a woman.

To be clear, although I don't remember any, I'm not saying you couldn't find any examples. I'm just curious what constitutes "forced and obvious" plot elements that are "advertisement(s) for ideologies" that "ruins the show" for you.

Without examples all anyone hears is you bitching about the existence of these characters the way Archie Bunker would have bitched about Uhura simply existing.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 32 points 8 months ago

Am I missing something, or is it not possible to criticize the media's obsession with attractive white girls without calling a person in a hospital after being beaten and probably gang raped stupid for no reason? You fucking piece of shit. See how I had a reason there?

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It's hard to get a good return on your investment in residential real estate without using leverage.

For instance: You don't buy one place outright. You buy 5 with 20% down. You may not have positive cash flow, but at long as it isn't negative not only do you get all the increase in value, you also get more equity every month as the tenants pay your mortgages.

If you bought it outright and over some period of time the tenants have paid your entire investment and the price of the property doubles, you doubled your money. If you buy 5 and over some period of time the tenants pay your mortgage and initial investment and the properties have doubled in value you have increased your initial investment 10X. And before the big expensive renovations come in, you can sell and buy something else if you're not equipped to deal with that.

Also if you are just breaking even to get free property but you want to start getting passive income, after a few years you can refi to a longer term and lower your mortgage payments to get in the black every month.

This isn't advice, fuck anybody buying up single family homes to rent, just showing one way they can generate both wealth and passive income for nothing. Literally nothing if they're using a property management company.

Fuck anybody buying up single family homes to rent. I know I already said that, but it bears repeating.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 16 points 9 months ago

For me personally, my wife and I are probably going to stay in this house until it's time for the old folks home so it's just numbers that'll never actually mean anything. If it crashes by half or more I'll actually get a reduction to my property tax.

Let it crash, this is unsustainable. Having a secure, long-term roof over your head shouldn't be so fucking hard.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago

I think he's saying the length of the tongue isn't the reason they enjoy oral.

In other words, deep penetration isn't the only way, and for some not the best way, to please a woman.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 33 points 10 months ago

How dare you try to develop your own opinion. Don't you know that white girls on social media get to tell you what to be offended by?

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

Nominated, won, and gave one of the best acceptance speeches of all time.


[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

I am not conflating Nazis and communists. I am comparing you to a Holocaust denier because of your conspiracy theories about the existence of these places established to educate people about the well documented atrocities of the communist states. I didn't say they were as bad as the Nazis overall, I pointed out they happily used the cramped cells, torture implements, and kill rooms left behind.

It is very much not the exception in communism. I have been to almost every former Warsaw pact country and a few countries that were part of the USSR and these museums are universal.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Your do a great disservice to the tens-of-thousands of victims of the communist states. I spent a lot of time in these places, looking at mugshots and intake forms and reading about what happened to them.

What do you think when you hear about a fascist antisemite standing in front of a pile of children's shoes in a Holocaust museum saying "it didn't happen"? Because that's what I think about you right now.

And I never said concentration camps (edit: although these museums do tell the stories of the tens-of-thousands "deported" to camps in Siberia and other places), I was taking about buildings used for the imprisonment, torture, and murder of mostly political prisoners, but also others that upset the Nazis/communists in some way. Here is one example of many. https://www.terrorhaza.hu/en

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

So they just built all those museums dedicated to the hardship and terror of those years as a little joke to mess with westerners like me as I traveled through their countries?

Interesting side fact, in places that were occupied by both sides in WW2, some museums could do double duty. The places the Gestapo used to imprison, torture, and murder were often the same places the communists used for the same purposes.

[-] Jmdatcs@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

A ten year old poll, that happened before some important recent events, and is mostly from Russian client states in central Asia and the Caucasus because it only encompasses countries that were part of the Soviet Union is disingenuous, at best, in response to this post about eastern Europe.

Try that poll again today in Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, former East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Balkans. See how that goes.

Edit: I don't know how I overlooked the Baltics, I was just in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia for a few weeks this spring. If the museums are anything to go by, their responses to this question would definitely contradict your narrative and they were part of the USSR.

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