[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 7 points 2 days ago

Surprisingly low.
Those 59% with Xbox controllers probably wouldn't even need to use it, and neither do most of the PS users either as most games would support them natively already.

Though I have to wonder how much of that data is actually accurate - for example my setup would most likely show up as two Xbox controllers, but in reality it's a Dualshock 3 and Dualshock 4 masquerading as Xinput devices through Vigembus and DS4Windows.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Sci-fi has made me believe something small going that fast would just punch a nice clean hole through anything it hits.
Now, I realize it most likely isn't quite Hollywood clean, but the Resurs P is (was) basically the size of a small bus (8 by 3 metres) and 7000kg, so I'd imagine it would need to get hit by quite a big thing to cause it to actually properly explode.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Very few, as North Korea hand picks everyone who gets to leave by essentially keeping their entire family hostage, and any "traitor family" will find them sentenced to life in prison/labour camp - including any children born in those camps.

And they are places you wouldn't wish for anyone to end up in, especially your loved ones.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Capacitive analog sticks usable for enabling gyro, and four (afaik) fully Steam input API rebindable extra buttons, two on the back, two in front.
Also 1/4th the price of a DualSense Edge (which I believe is the one with the two back buttons?)

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 58 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yes, they are correct in that there is no law requiring a banner popup. Functional cookies are always allowed, and you could always default to just not track people so you don't need their consent either.

But if you want the user to give consent for the tracking cookies, and basically any site with advertisements really wants you to, then the popup is required, because the alternative - a disclaiming saying "by continuing to use you give consent bla bla bla" - has been deemed illegal. You need to get the user to actively opt-in to them and press I accept, and that means you nag at them with a popup. DNT header was a fantastic idea, for the users. Of course they didn't want to use it, as it would have to also be opt-in (and so default to do not track) and probably 99.9% of browser users never change the default settings.

So while there is no law that says "you need a cookie consent popup", there also effectively is.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 71 points 3 months ago

1.8 billion is around 2% of their last year's net income. At least it's a bit better than the insignificant wristslaps companies tend to get.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 132 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It's an Apple device, what did you expect?
The thing even has an external battery pack, and instead of using USB-C so you could use any power bank you already own, they designed a completely new proprietary connector. In 2024.
Who the fuck does that anymore, except Apple?

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 40 points 5 months ago

Maybe even F13 to F24 if more is needed?
Because they used to exist, and support for them still does. Really handy for macro keys.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 47 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Can't wait to have to get a mandatory firmware update before my eyes or legs or something like that works again. I just hope Microsoft doesn't get in on the cybernetics business or it'll randomly happen while driving on the highway or forcefully fill your vision with blinding light for half an hour when you are trying to sleep.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 77 points 6 months ago

OTOH it weighs almost 7000lbs (~3100kg) so it's going to plow through most of everything with its sheer mass.

[-] JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz 45 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Ah, but you see, his reasoning is that what if the camera and lidar disagree, then what? With only a camera based system, there is only one truth with no conflicts!

Like when the camera sees the broad side of a white truck as clear skies and slams right at it, there was never any conflict anywhere, everything went just as it was suppo... Wait, shit.

submitted 7 months ago by JohnEdwa@sopuli.xyz to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

I completely understand why Valve decided that the touchpad haptics were good enough, the deck is heavy as it is already. I'd still love to have the option of adding some proper rumble on the deck for the games that deserve it.

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